Fandom: dragonage 2 again...
Title: I'm beginning to think I don't know how to title things.
Pairing: m!Hawke/Anders with some mention of Bethany/Nathaniel
Rating: Oh def NC-17.
Word Count: 12.501
Warnings: Little Sisters of the non-Bioshock variety.
Content: One(1) Fanfic
Summary: Her mother probably shouldn't've given her that key.
By the way I'm now headcanoning that Bethany in the modern world would want to be a superhero named The Rose Warden. )
Comments 3
"I'm done with Puppy! I'm done with Puppy!" The story was hot and the humor was delicious, even without four mustards.
Надежно. Выгодно. Без слётов. И БЕЗ каких-либо проблем.
ЯндексДеньги, Webmoney (профессиональные счета)
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