Dec 16, 2008 09:27
i was going to say i was living under a rock b/c i didn't know that one of TI's new songs sampled that fucking fat kid o-zone song but then i realized there is no possible place or time where i could have heard it.
clubs? yeah i go to those
the radio? since when did atlanta have a good radio station
the real world? i avoid it like the plague
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Comments 8
sing you lovely little fivehead, sing
Let's you and me (and that cutie patootie, Linda) go to an Atlantan Club in the real world. We'll check that shit out. =)
but yeah like 92.9 is yuppieFM these days and i'm really surprised i haven't heard the words "nigger" or "darkie" or "ay-rab" or "towelhead" on 96.1 or 100.5 yet, i figure it's a matter of time. meanwhile the river 97.1 plays the same 30 songs over and over
106.7 actually has Fox 97's old playlist for the most part and that's kinda cool but it's a national station and the dj REALLY annoys me for some reason.
also the only way i'm getting into any club in ATL is with you on one arm and linda on the other i'm pretty sure.
Although it's been so long since I listened to the radio, that could have easily changed by now.
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