OH NO! my girls say "hello starshine, the earth says hello" like 50million times every morning. Except sometimes they get it wrong and say "sunshine" and "world" It was cute the first 10million times...but no more.
Sorry you're sick of it. But I personally adore the line (and I've only said it around TWO times after seeing it in theatre, NOT 10 million times. I don't know what your girls are on if they're equaling up to saying a line 10 million times.)
Comments 4
new layout... it's... red. @_@ but not that blinding yellow anymore XD;
btw, i rememberd i told you i'd send you my hbp review. here it is (a little bit dorky though!): http://the-quibbler.org/index.php?x=_aug/ae_caeline
It was cute the first 10million times...but no more.
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