Find a hosting company. If you do a google search on web hosting, you'll get more options than you can shake a stick at. Or ask around and see what companies people you know are using.
One thing, though; you might want to register the domain at the same place you use for hosting; sometimes it's cheaper to do them both at once.
I'm using, and I'm quite happy with them. I'm paying $10 a month for 200meg of space and unlimited download bandwidth. I've heard there are better deals around, though.
Yeah, definitely. You just won't get whatever discount they might offer if you do both. I'd suggest browsing some web hosts' sites and seeing what your options are.
Comments 3
One thing, though; you might want to register the domain at the same place you use for hosting; sometimes it's cheaper to do them both at once.
I'm using, and I'm quite happy with them. I'm paying $10 a month for 200meg of space and unlimited download bandwidth. I've heard there are better deals around, though.
So if I already have a registered domain name, someone will be willing to host me even though I didn't register it through them?
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