nothing like a survey at 1am!

Nov 25, 2004 00:50

*1*What do you think about MTV; the shows, the videos, the sex and violence, sencoring, and/or the Fight for your Rights campain?
Besides the atrocious spelling in there.. none of the crap on TV bothers me. It's just TV, it isn't like it corrupting my mind, well, not TOTALLY. And MTV sucks.

*3*What do you think about reencarnation?
I really do not know.

*4*Should religion be in schools?
Beings as I am not religious... that'd be a firm NO. Besides, not everyone is one religion and there would, no matter what, be a preference based on what was the most "common" in the school. Which is total BS.

*5*Do pop stars have an obligation to be good role models?
I think they should. Granted, I would hate that. But I hate when I see little 7 year olds trying to be like Britney Spears wearing the itty bitty little clothes and whatnot :\ It saddens me.

*6*What is your take on Dr.Laura?
Um, I don't know?

*7*Is sexual orientation of choice?
Um. I'm straight..

*8*Whats your view on inter-racial relationships?
I don't see why it's an issue.

*9*Can/Should teens have longlasting, meaningful romantic relationships? Can teens fall in love?
I think so. But I guess it just depends on your take on things.

*10*What do you think of meat eating?
I'm not vegetarian at all, even though I hardly ever eat meat, well, besides the chicken patty I have for lunch like EVERYDAY at school, haha. Just too lazy to make anything else at home.

*11*Is there anything morally wrong with the soceity we live in?
I think so. But I've gone on about that a bunch in posts already.

*12*Will there ever be world peace?
No. Because there will ALWAYS be conflict.

*13*Should marijuana be leagalized?
No. The only people who say that are people who smoke it and I, my friend, do not because I listen in health class. I still don't understand why people are so sdjkfsk and do crap like that when they know the effects it has. Stupid sklfjsa.

*14*What is your opinion on the right to bear arms?
Sure why not.


*15*Is the reality portrayed on tv/ movies a crock of sh*t?
Yup. It's what we as a society view as "ideal" and it's something that we will never attain.

*16*Do you watch Survivor?
NO. I can't stand all this reality TV stuff--IT'S NOT REAL.

*17*What are your favorite tv shows?
The OC (speaking of unattainable ideals..), Forensic Files (and all the other shows like that on CourtTV and Discovery Channel), Family Guy, and others but my mind blanked.

*18*Do you read any magazines?
Yeah, when I'm bored. CosmoGirl, YM, all those sad little ones, haha.

*19*Ever watch Politically Incorrect?

*20*Is Bush an idiot?
I don't think he's an idiot, we just have different opinions, namely, he's way too damn conservative for me.

*21*Do you want to be famous/what for?
I wouldn't like all of the attention. I don't like being in the spotlight.

*22*Watch the nightly news?
Not usually.

*23*Read the newspaper?
No, but I should. I never know what's going on.

*24*How should the media cover the school shootings?
I don't know. I never really thought about it.

*25*Does life imitate art, or art imitate life?

*26*Are we as a society desensitized to sex and violence due to tv and movies?
I'm not sure really because for me it isn't a big deal, but to some people, it DOES effect them negatively.


*27*If you could only liten to one CD for the rest of time, which one would it be?
OH DEAR GOD DON'T DO THAT TO ME! Probably the Warper Tour Compilation ;) I cheated--each disc has like 26 bands on it, bwuahaha.

*28*What type(s) of music do you like the most?
All different sorts, of rock that is, although Ted/Tucker assume all of it is "emo" uh sure.

*29* What ya think about boy bands?
I'm ashamed I ever liked them when I was little.. *blushes*

*30* Is Eminem a musical genious, or a jerk?
I don't like rap.. at all..

*31* Ever hear of New Found GLory? Love em?
They're ok. I haven't heard much from their newer CD though, but I want it :P

*32* What music do you listen to when you are sad? When someone breaks up with you?
Matchbook Romance. Well, lots of things really but them usually.

*33*What ya think of Britney?
Ughhh I don't even want to go there. Can I leave it as I cheered when she was blown up in Seed of Chucky?

*34*Is music an important part of your life?
Yes, the lyrics always make me think and reflect on situations in ways I wouldn't on my own.

*35*Were you raised listening to you parents music? Did they sing to you?
I was raised on country music.

*36*Who really rocks, man?
Me, haha. I'm guessing you mean bands? Senses Fail, The Matches, Letter Kills, Sum 41. Taking Back Sunday, Matchbook Romance, Finch, Smile Empty Soul, Puddle of Mudd, Chevelle, etc etc etc

*37*Are you musically inclined?
I used to be good at the clarinet... back in 4th/5th grades.


*38*Whats your real name?

*39*OD name?

*40*What do you look like? What are some things that make your hometown unique?
Short, brunette, brown eyes.
Umm.. I don't know, really.

*41*WHat are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, web design

I get compliments for my drawing and graphics (like my websites and such)

*43*Zodiac sign?

*44*What does your sign say about you?
Powerful, passionate, compulsive, obsessive, self-critical, emotional, protective, tenacious, quick-tempered, etc etc (I've got a huge list on my one website, i didn't memorize, i promise lol)

*45*How did you meet most of your friends?

*46*Who's your best friend?
Emjay :D <333

*47*Do you gossip?
About CERTAIN PEOPLE, haha emjay ;) but it's not relaly gossiping, just talking.. a LOT.. uh yeah..

*48*Do you lie?
Everyone does.

*49*Are you a minor?
Yes. Actually I AM as a matter of fact.

*50*Whats your dream job?
No idea. I LOVE writing, but I just can't get into it anymore, never have any ideas :(

*51*Whats your job now, or are you a student?
Student. Woo.

*52*Do you communicate with animals?
I talk to my pets, lol.

*53*Do you have emotional issues carried over from childhood?
With my dad.

*54*Who were you raised by?
Mi madre.

*55* Would a stray pack of wolves done a better job in raising you?
Sometimes I think so, but no. Mi madre hasn't done a bad job :P

*56*Ever been a bully?
I've been mean to people, like all the way up til last year, but I don't think I'd consider myself to have been a bully, just a bitch :(

*57*Ever been bullied?
No actually I haven't. :)

*58*What are your morals?
Um. I can't think.

*59*DO you eat meat? Dariy? Egg?
Didn't you already ask this? Yes. All that junk.

*60* Favorite quote?
I'm too old to be young, but I'm not old. From some song.. forget what now.

*61*How mature are you?
I'd like to think I am, but I know I'm still immature.

*62*How old are you dude?
16. dude.


*63*Eaten at Frishes with your bestfriend to see the cute waiter?
FRISHES OMG! lmfao, never heard of it.

*64*Done that at any restraunt?

For like 2 hours, haha. literally.

*67*Lost a loved one due to a mental illness?

*68* Lost a loved one due to death?

*69*Had a personal ad on the internet?
Haha, no.

*70* Been abused?


*71*How do you meet the people you date?
Street corners. Erm, school, when I'm out places I spose.

*72*Whats your sexual oreintation?
STRAIGHT I told you, lol.

*73*Did that ? offend you?
Um.. no..

*74*Do you have a boy/girlfriend?
Def. not a girlfriend lol.

*75*What do you think about premarital sex?
If you love someone, go ahead. I don't think it's WRONG but that doesn't mean you should just go out and screw everyone.

*77*Do you use burth control?
Um, no need buddy, sorry.

*78*Are kids educated enough about sex?
Some, but some aren't.

*79*What makes someone sexy?
I don't think it's all look, although some people disagree with that. I think it also has to do with how a person acts.

*80*Do you like to be the cat or the mouse?
Um. Haha. Not the cat, I'm not the kind of person who can "go after" people.

*81* Does a naked photo of you exist?

*82*Who took the pic?

*83*Is masturbation dirty?
Whatever floats your boat buddy. o.o

*84*Is porn immoral?
It can be.

*85*Do looks matter?

*86*Any fantasies you feel like sharing?

*87*Does sex scare you?

*88*Ever been used in a relationship?

*89*Who was the one that got away?
No one.

*90*Who hurt you?


*91*You would look like...
I don't have any problems with myself at the moment.

*92* You'd feel....
Happier more often, less "moody" lol i swear i go from happy to sad in 2 seconds flat

*93*Who would have an OpenDiary that you could secretly read and know all of their secrets and thoughts?

*94*What would you change in our society?
The ideals people have in their heads that everyone has to be a certain way. It makes me so mad.

*95*Who would be president?
No idea.


*96*Do you practice any religion/ Which one?
I'm technically Catholic, but I don't really do anything with it. I don't go to church or pray or anything. And I've been questioning my belief in it all for a few years now.

*97* What has been your most spiritual moment?
No idea.

*98*What words represent your spirit/soul?

*99*What animal is your soulmate?
A MONKEY i dunno!

*100*Does anyone know the real you?
Not the whole real me, not even I do.

*101*Do you ever want to run away and be at one with nature?
Haha, no.

*102*What gives you peace?

*103*Do you love yourself?

*104*Are you living or just alive?

*105*Would you ever kill?
Only if I HAD to, but it'd kill me.

*106*Would you ever commit suicide?
God no. I could never hurt people like that. And I know I have so many people out there who care about me :D

*107*What/Who inspires you?
My friends really.

*108*Who are your role models?
Them I spose.
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