Hey there folks! This is like a message from the dead I'd imagine. I've not posted on here in years. Just wanted to encourage you to please go to www.chandlermartin.tumblr.com if you'd like to. This is my blog. This is where I'll be writing. I've already written many things and posted things like pictues/videos/songs. Please come check it
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hey ya'll. I was thinking about possibly trying to sell my current computer so that I can buy a laptop. Obviously just a thought in the works but yeah. Does anyone know where one could sell their computer? I've looked over EBAY and may give it a shot...It just depends on how much I can get for it. Yeah, any help would be appreciated!
hey everyone...spring break was about as fun as one can possibly imagine. sab and I went to Chicago and also visited a bit of family in WI. I have to say, I enjoyed myself thoroughly but I think we need more time to explore Chicago
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