Doctor Who Meme here...
Stolen from
kae_nine 1. When did you start watching?
August 2007.
1a. Why?
A little complicated... I heard that James Marsters was casted for Torchwood, but I misunderstood it because I thought he was going to be a regular. So I want "to be ready" and so I started with Torchwood season 1. I fell in love with the show and capitan Jack, so I wanted to find more, hence I started watching doctor who. One week Later I already watched the first three seasons.
2. What was your first episode?
3. Which episodes have you seen?
All the 4 season plus last Xmas special. (more and more times) plus the 5 doctor special and I'm starting the Tom Baker's ones.
3a. Favourite?
No way I can choose!
4. Are your friends/family interested in the show?
I "infected" with Doctor Who-mania my youngest cousin (he's turning 7 - his present this year a second sonic screwdriver since he already destroyed the first one). Plus now my best friends are
to make up for what they missed so far (they just started season 2). Not easy for they all because there aren't Italian DVD of Doctor Who beside season 1.
5. Which Doctor is your favourite?
Ten. Definitely TEN. I loved 9 and I thought I never... but Honestly when 10 started to quite the Lion King? I was already doomed.
6. Which Doctor is your least favourite?
11! Seriously! But just because he's stealing 10 place with one year of advantage. We have 10 for one whole year! Don't start with 11. He will have all his time, when his time will came. I'm not bashing the actor, who seem a sweet guy, still, I don't want 11 yet.
7. Which TV companion is your favourite?
I loved Rose, very very very much, I loved Astrid. I also like Martha. BUT Donna is my favourite! I ADORE Donna! If I have to choose... I'd pick her since the Runway Bride Special, but in Season 4 Donna was something wonderful. I love her too much for find a proper way to describe her. Plus Donna was equal to the Doctor. Even if Human VS Time-lord, she was equal. I loved that.
8. Which TV companion is your least favourite?
I'd say Martha. But I love Martha, even if I don't like several episodes season 3.
9. Do you listen to the Big Finish audios?
No idea what they are.
9a. If so, which is your favourite?
9b. Also: which Big Finish companion is your favourite?
10. Have you listened to any non-Big Finish audios?
I've listened to the Stone Rose, The Resurrection Casket, The Feast Of The Drowned and Pest Control. Plus I have also have The forever Trap, but I still had no time to listen it.
11. Have you read any of the novels or short stories?
Do you mean Fanfic? if you don't, then No. If you Do then yes.
11a. Have you written any of the novels or short stories?
11b. Which is your favourite?
Not sure I have a favourite one.
12. Have you read any of the comics?
I don't really like the Doctor Who Comic...
13. Do you watch any of the spin-offs (e.g. Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures)?
OH YEAH both (I'm little behind SJA, but I'm going to watch the episode I missed soon enough)
13a. Which is your favourite?
Torchwood. I like SJA, but Torchwood... it's different.
14. Is there any particular episode/book/audio/comic you desperately want to watch/listen to/read?
I wish I can rewatch the whole new Who with some friends (like a marathon). But I often rewatch episode and scenes I love.
1. Do you write fanfic for Doctor Who?
Nope. I can't write in a proper English for Doctor Who fanfic. I am not good enough with that to write the character with a "proper" voice. But I wish I could. I have several ideas in my head!
1a. If so, post a snippet of a work-in-progress (or several)!
I've nothing to show. Sorry
2. Do you create Doctor Who icons?
I tried. But I suck in creating Icons!
2a. Let's see a sample!
Are you joking? No way. I told you I suck!
3. Recommend a fanfic/icon/fanvid/fancomic/fancreation!
Hilarious and absolutely brilliant fanvid: Anything You Can Do, by rhoboat and jagwriter78. <---- I agree with
kae_nine here, it's a good and funny video (singed by John Barrowman)
Then I love Somewhere I belong (music by Linking Park) made by Rhoboat
and My Skin (music by Natalie Merchant) by Rasberry-splat.
4. Have you been to any Doctor Who conventions?
No, but I hope I'll do them ASAP
5. Have you ever dressed up as a Doctor Who character?
Nope, but if my little cousin ask, I'll help him to dress as Doctor for "Carnival" or Halloween.
6. Do you own any Doctor Who merchandise?
Emm Yeah I have two sonic screwdriver, a sonic Pen (the miss foster one) a small TARDIS who does TARDIS noise when a Cell-phone is active, DVDs Some books, Magazines, desk calendars, and I'm going to buy an Adipose soon!
7. Are you a fan of Russell T Davies?
OH YES! I love him! and I'm loving reading his "the writer tale" because it's simple magnificent! I'm learning more about writing from this book than I did from my Screenplay vocational course.
Plus I adore his way to see the Doctor, I never will grateful enough for creating Donna! Or Rose. For the way everything is always connected in his stories, for all his job creating again Doctor Who, or for 10, Torchwood.
Plus I loved Second coming, and I can't wait to see everything I still didn't watch.
7a. Steven Moffat?
Emmm I loved Empty Child and the Doctor Dance. I thought the writing there was perfect. I think that Blink is a terrific job, even if It's not my favourite story. (it was technically a perfect example of writing)
I sort of liked Girl in fireplace, (even if I wanted to yell to the doctor for breaking Rose hurt) but I HATE the two episodes in season 4. Because they are Out of contest. They, to me, don't fit with the story.
Donna jealous? oh come on! And they are too similar to Girl in fireplace:
- doctor & companion trapped in differed universe/reality or separated check (in S1 too)
- companion (or Doctor) jealous of the new one check (in S1 too)
- the new one know something others don't check (in S1 too)
- the doctor end up heartbroken check.
come on!!!! change plot! DARN!
Plus I have a huge problem with Moffat comment I heard/read here and there. I don't like his idea of the doctor (unfaithful latin lover) I don't like how he (Moffat) treat companions, and I don't like much how he write female figures. So yeah I'm seriously worried about Season 5.
7b. Paul Cornell?
I can only speak about the new Who but I loved Father day, I was amazed by Human Nature (where I found myself hating the Doctor well John Smith) and I loved family of blood (but then Tennant was incredible in that episode! so I'm not sure I love the writing there or Tennant work)
8. What say you to Season 6b?
No idea.
9. The UNIT dating controversy?
I can't say much. Not sure I like the idea of Martha in UNIT. But No idea about the old seasons.
10. The Blinovitch Limitation effect?
?__? can you repeat please?
11. Multi-Doctor episodes?
Well I don't saw much Doctor, but from what I saw I'd love Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Eccleston, and Tennant all together!
12. What's your favourite Doctor Who technobabble?
kae_nine wrote : Gosh. I love all of Ten's technobabble. Mind you, Ten could read the phone book to me and I'd find it fascinating. Yeah, yeah, I'm pathetic, I know. The worst part of it is that Ten's technobabble used to drive me bonkers, because I usually didn't understand a word of it and put that down on the fact my English wasn't good enough. Then I realised that no, it just wasn't supposed to make sense anyway. ;)
And I AGREE with everything. I even have the feeling I understand him when he's speaking.... Only when Ten stop speaking... What I understood is sort of lost. Like waking up for a dream. But Who cares, as long he keeps speaking!
13. Have you watched other TV shows exclusively because of the presence of Doctor Who actors?
Emmm Even too much. But Mostly I'm enjoying them:
I saw Blackpool (and I'm quite proud to said I infected
kae_nine with that, Takin' Over the Asylum and I LOVED Both Carlisle and Campbell sooo much, I watched Learners (Because Tennant is Tennant) Planning to see Einstein and Eddington (I have the DVD) and Recovery with Tennant.
Then I saw Billie Piper's Secret Diary of a Call Girl, The Shadow in the North, Mansfield Park, The Ruby in the Smoke,ShakespeaRe-Told (Much Ado About Nothing is my favourite Shakespeare play + Sarah Paris and Billie!)
And several movies with Tennant, Piper, Eccleston (Revenger's tragedy is awesome!), Tate (love & Other disaster is my favourite one)
14. Have you met any of the actors?
¬___¬ ' Tennant was off stage for Surgery when I was supposed "to meet" him.
14a. Travelled to any filming locations?
I visited Cardiff in November 2007, only for Doctor Who/Torchwood related reasons.
15. What do you think of The Curse of Fatal Death?
Isn't that one the comedy one with Hugh Grant and Rowan Atkinson Regenerating as Doctor??? Hilarious!!! Too bad I didn't know the most of the rest of the actors!
16. Do you have any fannish opinions that you think are fairly unpopular?
I don't like much the Jack/Ianto thing.
17. What's your favourite pairing?
Ten/Rose (as couple) and Ten/Donna as mates (see 4.1 for reference)
18. What pairing(s) won't you touch with a really long pole?
Doctor + Master. (mostly because I doubt another Master can be as gorgeous as John Simm :p )
I know... I have really a lot of answers very similar to Kae-nine, but what can I say we discussed that a lot when we met and we had a very very very similar view about Doctor Who (and Blackpool and also Takin' Over the asylum.... Or Tennant.)