hermette mentioned this today on twitter, and I realized I've never actually done this meme. IDK why, since I love seeing what's in other people's bags. Anyway, here are entirely too many pictures of what was in my purse today.
This is my purse! I got it at Kohl's, and it has approximately a million pockets, and I love it a lot. In all seriousness, I really need a bag with tons of pockets, because when I don't have pockets, all of my crap collects at the bottom of the bag and I can't find anything. This bag has three big pockets, two small pockets, a small zippered compartment inside the biggest pocket, and one of those little pockets-for-your-cellphone in the big one. Pockets, FTW! :D
This is everything I usually keep in my bag. Since there's so much, split it up into two pics for a "detailed" view.
Detail #1:
Top row:
- My badge to get into the building at work (generally this is in my lunch bag, but we got free food today [Chick-Fil-A, om nom nom!], so I didn't bring my lunch)
- Kindle
- Wallet
- Toiletries bag
- Sunglasses
Bottom row:
- Comb
- Earplugs
- Gum (mint chocolate, which is surprisingly amazing)
- Earbuds
- iPod Classic (120 GB, baby!)
- Zippered bag of mints and cough drops
- Fold-up tote bag
Top row:
- The bottom part of my comb
- Library Card
- Movie ticket stubs from everything I've seen in the theater this year (sadly not much: Tangled, True Grit, Frankenstein (British theatre at the movies, FTW!), Company (musical theatre at the movies, also FTW!), HP and the Deathly Hallows double feature, Rise of the Planet of the Apes)
- Lip gloss
- Disposable toothbrush
- Glasses cleaning wipe
- Gum
- 3 hair clips
- Yellow Jasper
- 3 pens (work, chiropractor, hotel from wincon)
- Keychain of store cards
Bottom row:
- Store cards/store credit cards that don't fit in my wallet
- Moleskine calendar from 2009 (has a big notes section in the back in case I need to write stuff down)
- Check book and bank deposit slips
- Bluetooth headset
- Cell phone
- Fold-up hairbrush
And here's what's inside the toiletries bag:
Top row:
- Hand sanitizing lotion
- Spare lip balm (I carry chap stick in my pocket if I am wearing something with pockets. If not, that goes in the purse, too.)
- Mirror
- Nail file
- Tums
Bottom row:
- Spare lip balm #2
- Pill case (Motrin and Tylenol)
- Hand lotion
- Saline/eye drops
- Inhaler
- Disposable toothbrush
And because there was a lot of it, and it was a really bizarre combination of things, the stuff I cleaned out of my purse:
Top row:
- Random nail polish (Finger Paints Michaeltangelo - tallest bottle I have, using it to find something new to store my polishes in)
- Coke bottle top (saved for the code inside)
- Ranch dressing (unused from lunch)
- Ticket stub for Panic! at the Disco at the Troc
Middle "row":
- Unused New York & Company coupons
- Business card of Emily, the best tour guide ever, from the ghost tour from this year's wincon
Bottom row:
- Bare Minerals powder Sunscreen (works amazingly well)
- ATM receipt
- Last year's movie ticket stubs
- Calendar/planner from 2010
And across the very bottom is a 16MB USB stick (I know, right? It was the only USB stick I could find to take to work that didn't have stuff on it I didn't want people at work to see). I also took my camera out of my bag, since I don't need to carry it around all the time, but I used it to take these pics.
ETA: Duh, I also carry my keys (apartment, parents' house, mom's store, car) on a Syracuse Universit lanyard, but I hung them up when I got home and forgot to grab them for a picture.
So that's my purse! You guys should all do this meme, and link me to it, because I want to see all of the stuff you all haul around every day. :D