WHO: Kaji and Waka
WHAT: Chatting about Things. :|
WHEN: This afternoon?
WHERE: Kaji's house!
WHY: Because they NEVER TALK. And we were bored. (can you tell?)
HOW: It's called a keyboard. :|
Kajimoto: *is finished with summer homework and preparing for school* *SHOCKINGLY ENOUGH, is watching T.V.*
Wakato: *sneaks into the bushes with a stash of pebbles* *tosses them at the window next to Kaji*
Kajimoto: *flipping through the channels casually* Who watches this rubbish? *bored*
Wakato: *totally watches that rubbish* *pelts pebbles a bit harder*
Kajimoto: *frowns as he hears a rat-a-tat-tat somewhere behind him* *turns his head slightly towards the window*
Wakato: *ducks behind the bush!* *doesn't realize his hat was caught on a branch*
Kajimoto: *kaji spies with his little eyes something white and oddly familiar looking* *sighs* Has he taken to stalking? *turns back to the television and continues flipping*
Wakato: *realizes he has been IGNORED!* *throws more pebles with a scowl*
Kajimoto: *sighs and switches off T.V.* *gets up to go to the kitchen* I think I could use a drink of water.
Wakato: *sulks for a minuts before going around to the Kitchen Window and tossing stones at it* *knows Kaji's house well*
Kajimoto: *feels strangely violated* *gets water and heads back to living room* *wants to know how long it will take before Wakato bursts into the house*
Wakato: *goes >O!* and goes to his old hiding spot again, snatching his hat back* *presses nose to the glass to see what's on TV because he's getting bored with the pebbles*
Kajimoto: *doesn't turn on TV because he's bored with it* *sits on couch and watches blank TV screen* *BATTLE OF WILLPOWER! >O*
Wakato: *watches Kaji instead* *realizes Kaji is being VERY BORING* *knocks on the window*
Kajimoto: *mentally declares himself the winner of this challenge* *sighs and gets up from the couch and walks to the window* *opens it* You know, Wakato. There is this wonderful invention called the door. Many feel it is highly civilized to use it.
Wakato: *sulks* I was feeling creative. Don't insult my creativity, Kajimoto!"
Kajimoto: Your idea of creativity is throwing pebbles at my window? *raises eyebrow*
Wakato: *huffs* Like you said, MOST people use the door. I was....rebelling against a common custom?
Kajimoto: You were rebelling against being a civilized human being. *might be amused*
Wakato: ....Not exactly what I meant to do. *scuffs foot* Can I come in?
Kajimoto: Was there a reason you wanted to come in? *is innocently evil*
Wakato: Just bored and felt like visiting? Do I REALLY need a reason? *frowns and doesn't appreciate the Evilness*
Kajimoto: A reason is usually appreciated when one comes to visit. *opens the door for him anyways*
Wakato: *sighs and goes through the door* Is there something wrong with just dropping by to visit?
Kajimoto: Of course there is. What if I was entertaining someone? *closes the door behind them* It could be a potentially awkward situation.
Wakato: Well you weren't, were you? *grins confidently* You were desparately wanting something to do and I've come to save you!
Kajimoto: I could have been. *annoyed at his confidence* I was wanting no such thing.
Wakato: You were idly flipping through channels and then you were staring at a BLANK SCREEN. Clearly you need my guidance to save you from your boredom.
Kajimoto: Perhaps I was meditating, Wakato.
Wakato: You do that with candles and mood music. Not sitting in a chair and looking like you were trying to move it with your mind. *crosses arms stubbornly*
Kajimoto: Telekenesis is a respectable goal to have. *amused*
Wakato: Still. It's not like I was REALLY interupting anything, was I?
Kajimoto: Perhaps not.
Wakato: Want to play LIFE or something with me then?
Kajimoto: ....LIFE. That is your idea of keeping one entertained? *stares*
Wakato: ....We could play SORRY instead?
Kajimoto: That's even more boring. I would almost suggest doing homework instead.
Wakato: We already did that though. YOU saw to it that it was ALL finished because you're obsessive like that.
Wakato: ....And I sort of wanted to apologize
Wakato: For spying on you in the librabry. *scuffs foot*
Kajimoto: *crosses arms* Are you planning on becoming a stalker for a living, Wakato?
Wakato: Um. *frowns* No? I just didn't like you going off with Sengoku and not me. *frowns*
Kajimoto: It was simply for math help. And I've spent time with him before.
Wakato: Well, yeah. Still. *embarassed* Doesn't mean I have to like it, does it?
Kajimoto: *confused* Why would you dislike it? It's simply help with homework.
Wakato: Because it's less time you spend with ME. *thinks this should be entirely obvious*
Kajimoto: Yes. Again, what's the problem? *still confused*
Wakato: *facepalms hard* You are so dense.
Kajimoto: .....what? *blinks*
Wakato: I LIKE YOU. *really would love to bang his head against the wall right now*
Kajimoto: .....well that's good. It wouldn't be good for the team if you didn't. *OBLIVIOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS*
Wakato: ......................... *bangs his head against the wall*
Kajimoto: *looks alarmed* Wakato-- You are going to injure your head and more importantly put a dent in my wall.
Wakato: Your wall is more important than my head?! *stops to stare at him in utter shock*
Kajimoto: It is perfectly not-dented at the moment. *gestures to the perfect patch of wall* I quite prefer it that way.
Wakato: *groans* Do you actually possess emotions? At all? Or are you secretly some sort of tennis-playing homework-doing robot?
Kajimoto: Of course I possess emotions. *frowns* Are you quite all right, Wakato? Perhaps you need some Dimeatapp?
Wakato: ..........I'm fine. *glares* And if you try to force that disgusting stuff down my throat I'll.....do something. *runs out of steam*
Kajimoto: You'll do.........something. *stares*
Wakato: Yes. Exactly. And I'll tell you when I figure it out but until then let's just not cope with the disgusting medicine. *glares*
Kajimoto: How about that pink bubblegum stuff? *is genuinely worried for Wakato's mental state* *thinks giving him cold and stomach medicines will help, apparently*
Wakato: *glares* No. You are so frustrating.
Kajimoto: I am hardly frustrating. You are terribly confused. And possibly ill.
Wakato: I tell you I am NOT! *prods Kaji in the chest* You are just completely OBLIVIOUS!
Kajimoto: *is highly offended by the prodding* And just what am I oblivious to? *pokes Wakato on the foehead*
Wakato: *blinks* Me! You! Sengoku! And this whole blasted mess!
Kajimoto: I was not aware that there was a mess. And I do not see what Sengoku has to do with any of this. *stares defiantly*
Wakato: He has plenty to do with this because you seem like you like him more than me! *POUTS*
Kajimoto: Does this bother you? *blink blink*
Wakato: ...........Obviously. *stares*
Kajimoto: We're just friends. *blink blink*
Wakato: *looks sideways at him* Like we are?
Kajimoto: Do you not want us to be friends? *frowns*
Wakato: *kahfkjahfa* That's not what I meant!
Kajimoto: *frowns* I'm not sure I'm understanding you, Wakato.
Wakato: I like you, idiot. *hopes Kaji can UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE*
Kajimoto: And yet....you don't want to be friends? *SO CONFUSED*
Kajimoto: What sort then?! *frustrated!*
Wakato: .....
Wakato: *wants to die*
Kajimoto: I-- You-- Er-- What? *eyes widen* *blushes as he finally realizes what Wakato has been saying*
Wakato: *is blushing harder than Kaji could even try to blush* I....think I might need. Um. *bolts outside and hides back in the bush*
Kajimoto: *blinks and Wakato is GONE!* I-- You-- What-- *stares at where he was standing* *rooted, bright red*
Wakato: *rocking in his bush* *thinks MAYBE he shouldn't have run off, but still*
Kajimoto: *would go after him if he wasn't such a clueless moron*
Wakato: *thinks Kaji must hate him ;_;*
Kajimoto: *walks to the door in a daze* *cue HUMAN EMOTION SUPPRESSION MACHINE beginning to turn-- and go!*
Wakato: *really wonders wtf that means and hopes it doesn't mean Bad Things*
Kajimoto: *it means that Kajimoto is a moron*
Wakato: *doesn't like where this is going* *pokes head out of bush*
Kajimoto: *pokes head out of doorway* *sees Wakato's head in the bushes* *blushes* G-get out of there, idiot.
Wakato: Um. *clambers out of the bush* Okay. Out.
Kajimoto: Right. Er. Good. *awkward*
Wakato: *stares at his feet* Are you---? Er.
Kajimoto: .....what?
Wakato: Mad at me? *swallows thickly*
Kajimoto: *blinks* I-- No. Should....I be?
Wakato: I was, ah. Hoping you wouldn't be. *scuffs foot*
Kajimoto: Oh. Ah. Well, I'm....not. *awkwaaaaaaaaaaaaaard*
Wakato: So. Um. *awkwaaaaaards too* Like me back? A little? Maybe?
Kajimoto: I-- Er. That is-- *looks anywhere but at Wakato* It would......not be................unreasonable. We have been.......teammates. For quite a few years.
Wakato: .....Which sort of like? *stares resolutely at the ground*
Kajimoto: I-- Er. Do not.....wish your.....physical harm? *is horrible with words* *and feelings* *and everything, really* It was-- er. Cause me to.....worry.
Wakato: ............You really aren't helping. *facepalms*
Kajimoto: *tugs at earring awkwardly* I--er. Am not very good...at this.
Wakato: *inches towards him* I think that's a bit alright.
Kajimoto: I-- What? *looks at him, confused*
Wakato: I can do this..*kisses his cheek* and it's okay, right?
Kajimoto: *blushes some more* Er. *still confused* I....do not. Mind it.
Wakato: So then it's okay. *grins a bit*
Kajimoto: .........I.......suppose. *so confused ;_;*
Wakato: *pokes Kajimoto in the chest*
Kajimoto: *blinks* What?
Wakato: Why are you still confused?
Kajimoto: I didn't say I was. *stoic*
Wakato: You seem it.
Kajimoto: Are you psychic now?
Wakato: .....I've been in classes and tennis with you for YEARS, Kajimoto. *frowns*
Kajimoto: I thought you said I was difficult to understand.
Wakato: .....Only about some things. *shifty eyes*
Kajimoto: .....*has no idea what that means*
Wakato: *kind of wishes Kaji wasn't EMOTIONALLY RETARDED*
Kajimoto: *he's not so emotionally retarded when it comes to Sengoku >D*
Wakato: *thinks that was damn mean >O*
Kajimoto: *good thing Waka's not a mindreader, eh?*
Wakato: *very good thing >O*
Kajimoto: I-- Uhm. need to. Get ready. Family dinner. *mutters*
Wakato: *grabs his wrist* Are you, um. Okay?
Kajimoto: *slightly uncomfortable* I'm fine. Don't be ridiculous.
Wakato: Well. *frowns* I worry about you?
Kajimoto: *looks....sheepish?* That's, er-- You don't need to. Wakato.
Wakato: *gives him a level look* Like you don't need to worry about me. It doesn't mean I won't.
Kajimoto: I'm fine. *fidgets nervously*
Wakato: *frowns at him*
Kajimoto: *avoids gaze*
Wakato: *tries to lean into his line of sight*
Kajimoto: *avoids Wakato like the plaaaaaague*
Wakato: Kaaaajimoooooto.
Kajimoto: *plaaaaaaaaaaaaague*
Wakato: You're acting really weird.
Kajimoto: I am not. Leave me alone.
Wakato: *nods curtly* Guess it is time for dinner, huh?
Kajimoto: I-- Er. I did not mean to offend you. *feels guilty*
Wakato: *grins a bit* It's alright. I'll just go home then, hmm?
Kajimoto: Right. *nods head, business-like again* Thank you for coming, er, Wakato. It has been........enlightening.
Wakato: *rolls eyes in amusement* Enlightening. Of course. You should let me kiss you goodbye.
Kajimoto: ..................what? o.o
Wakato: You. Should let. Me kiss you. Goodbye.
Kajimoto: *SCARLET*
Wakato: *leans over and bumps noses* Yes?
Kajimoto: *might as well be mute*
Wakato: *prods*
Kajimoto: Er. But it isn't-- Isn't that. Er. Usually for. Good. Er. Night? And as you can clearly see....Wakato. It is still...........daytime.
Wakato: I don't think it REALLY matters. *raises an eyebrow*
Kajimoto: It doesn't? *embarassed*
Wakato: No, it doesn't. *smiles at him*
Kajimoto: Well then. I. Suppose.
Wakato: *grins hugely and kisses him briefly* I'm glad.
Kajimoto: Er. Yes. That is. *awkward*
Wakato: Enjoy dinner? *grabs his hand and squeezes it*
Kajimoto: Thank you. You....too. *embarassed*
Wakato: I will! *smiles and whistles on his way home*
Kajimoto: *is left to settle in his awkardness, growing awkwardly old, marrying an awkward old lady, and having ten awkwardly awkward children who will carry on the legacy of awkward*
Kajimoto: ..................*might need sleep*
Wakato: *thinks that is a horrible life and will do everything he can to save him from it. @.@*
Kajimoto: *HE was the one who caused the awkward, excuse you.*
Wakato: *caused the awkward because he CARES*
Kajimoto: *TRAITOR!!!*
Wakato: *♥*
Kajimoto: *Kajimoto: *Are we done now?*
Kajimoto: *Can we post so Michelle doesn't kill us?*
Kajimoto: *Even though she will?*
Wakato: *is so going to die*
Wakato: *and prolonging her life*
Wakato: *;___;*
*hides from Michelle ;___;*