running through my mind, enternity surrounding me...

Feb 21, 2009 15:05

This entry starts out as a dream then evolves into some philosophes I hold.
If you feel you need not hear what I have to say, it is totally understandable. 
And, this isn't a ploy to get you to read it.
I feel that whomever reads it is meant to, and whoever does not, is not.

Journeying across many different lands.

Seeing deserts, forests, temples and other religious buildings.

Some people are walking with us, others are looking at us questioningly or with apparent dislike as we pass by.

I somehow end up in my parents back yard and it's an early summer day.

There are people that appear, handing out gaudy, gold, tinsel like bracelets.

I take one and smile, knowing that these people are preaching about Jesus.

I think, "That's really nice of them, but this really isn't my style." I put it on to be courteous. I think to myself, "If this had been another country, I would be getting flower garlands or something representing the main deity in their land."

Michael is there with me, we begin to climb onto the roof of my parents garage with the group.

Some were in front of us, some behind.
Some cannot figure out how to climb, I say, "I've actually done this many times, just follow me" to the ones who are having a bit of trouble.
Once on top, there is a great drop. People are afraid to fall or jump off. I tell the ones with fear, "It's okay, you just have to know how to fall."

Once on the other side, we walk to the end of the drive way, and I look over and see an old friend of ours.
He has a teaspoon in his hand and is starting to emerge from a tunnel that he has apparently dug.
I see him and a laugh escapes me.
He says, "Fuck you, don't laugh at me, I've been doing this for MONTHS!!"
I reply, "I was not laughing at you, friend. I was laughing at the joy of seeing you again and to know that you have figured it out!"

This dream seemed to me as a clear message. To reach farther than the bounds of this world is not such a hard thing. When looked at from a calm and understanding perspective, it's as easy as something you may have done a hundred times as a child without a second thought.

"Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." (a bible verse)

We must understand that we have to let all the concepts of reality and so forth go. Only then do we see the true beauty and everlasting breath of life in all things.

"The soul takes on a material body and mind, with an ego that says, “This is me.” The false ego (“false” because we have a real spiritual identity beyond physical forms) or our material “I” defines itself by what it thinks it possesses-what is mine, our “mys”. This “my-ness” is the basis of all problems the soul faces in the material world, including our problems in dealing with other persons, or souls also conditioned by “my-ness”. It is interesting how “my-ness” sounds like minus, since our material conceptions of identity can only exist if our spiritual identity is forgotten (the soul minus its true eternal identity is a forgetful soul habituated to living under the conditions or laws of matter.)" (an except from a writing of Karnamrita dasa)

When we see the world as an inccocent child does, we see all things as equal. All things as beautiful and interesting. Something to be experienced.

But, there are many who fear. Many who are unsure and would rather cling to things they feel are "real".
This is what brings us back to this place again and again.
That unwillingness to say, "I'm not sure." or "I don't know". It traps us in this cycle of death and rebirth.

Anything with a name cannot trancend all reality. Names bind things to other things.

Only that which is truly unknowable, unfathomable, without name. Only then are we searching for trancendence.

Read this, I found it to be very enlightening.

It is simply the foreward to a book I am just begining to read. But I found it very inspiring, so I thought I should pass it on.

Ram Dass says that there are no coincedences. He says that all things have a purpose, and that those things happen to you at that precise moment to teach you something.

I have been keeping this in mind whenever strange, questionable, or even regular everyday events occur.
What does this mean? What am I to learn from this?

Everyone is connected, yet we are all on own our personal journeys.

But, are these journeys simply to teach us that we are all connected?

We are of this earth, we are of each other, we are of the gods.
Yet, all these things are one.
So, if we deny one, is it as though we are denying that a finger exists on our hands?

This body is mortal. The breath, the spirit, is not.
The spirit pervades all things. It exists whether we are thinking of it or not.
It is the thing that has been and will always be. It is something that we truly cannot understand.
It is beyond us.

The planet exists and continues to exist through balance. There must be balance or problems arise.
But, are we to say what is true balance or must we learn from nature?
Keeping in mind that all is one, that would mean that we are a part of it.
That there must be balance in all things.

If your arm is broken or burnt, there is discord in the rest of the body.
So, taking that stance, there is something wrong that is causing this distress and unrest in the human race.
And, believing that everything is one, we would have to deal with the outer injury in order to focus on the inner self.
Everything must be in harmony.

We must band together and help this planet. Help each other.

It might take some time and effort, but we must pull together and make a change.

This is discord in our inner most being.
I feel it is because we are denying that the injuries we inflict (both mentally and physically) on this planet, upon each other, and to other sentient beings is having any effect on us.

The world can only improve if we try to help. To do what we know deep down is good.

Positive thought; Positive action.
This will always result is a positive reaction.

Whether we can see the results right away or not, it WILL make a difference.

We must stive to do what is most kind.

Many Blessings to you all, and may everyone find true peace and happiness!
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