Fiddley Little Plant Bits

May 26, 2010 18:03

As some of you know, I'm not a big fan of drawing plants. Too many leaves, no eyes, and they just take a long time to render, but I've been drawing a lot of them for work. The Aquarium's new Earth-Friendly Garden opened up on Earth Day featuring a few of my illustrations. You can see them here. They were all drawn in pencil on tracing paper and ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

dakinestuff May 27 2010, 06:51:48 UTC
Even though you don't like it, you draw them so well! These are very pleasing to look at, nice muted colors. The details are great (lavender YES!) and accurate but not overworked. Yay!


changewinds May 28 2010, 20:35:39 UTC
Thanks. :D Lavender was the hardest to draw and the easiest to color. Once you get the sketch on the computer, you just keep going with the same stroke over and over.


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