One of those procrastination things

Jun 13, 2010 21:40

Don't know why I haven't put these up before, but I guess it's just a procrastination thing for no real reason. Anyway, sketches from the Andrew Bird concert, more than a year ago now at the San Diego SOMA, a little clubby venue, standing room only. I didn't remember to bring my camera, but I did have my sketchbook. So here's a first, sketching at ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

hirundo_rustica June 15 2010, 06:42:42 UTC
hey- these are cool. Are you sketching while not looking at the paper? I really like the shapes of the lines.


changewinds June 15 2010, 18:30:07 UTC
Yeah, for the most part, it was too dark to look at the paper, though I did get a few chances when the lights got a little better, which is probably why they still look human-shaped. :p Would actually be fun to try it again, if and when I'm at another concert where I'm close enough to see faces.


dakinestuff June 18 2010, 06:29:39 UTC
I vaguely remember you sketching there. I like the ones where his face floated off and the violin at chin.


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