On the upside, there's
I just don't feel like drinking any.
Time is such a strange thing. It's a deceiving concept. Change is most readily perceived its defining feature. People nearly consciously (only -nearly-, as not considering the underlying nature of clocks) determine time per observation of change's passage, when it's not really so. It's the reverse. Time is just the landmark feature of change, per human comprehension. It's our way of trapping the process in terms we can more readily understand (bringing it down to our level).
Change is core, though--transfer of energy, translation of energy, resultant adaptation of structure observed, potential for motion expected and expressed, i.e., further transfer of energy.
Time is based on the transfer of energy. Atomic clock, hm? Measure the radiation rates of atoms, in order to translate to "time." So, yes, which begets and becomes?
If adjustments in relative rates of energy transfer can be perpetuated, would not time also be shifted? Einstein's special relativity holds to something of the sort.
So, why--given that all--can two objects exchanging energy at a highly advanced rate not be accepted as having progressed through time, as well? It's not a direct translation, given the commonly accepted notions, no, but as far as I'm concerned, it's reciprocally implied as inherent.
Then, there's always the possibility that I'm overlooking something particular. Like, perhaps, that from an impartial stance, said objects may still appear to be traveling at the standard rate of transfer.
There are ways to speed things, though. It's just unfortunate that outside observers are restricted from awareness of the increased speed of transference, enough as to realize implications and appreciate for them.
You step outside of time for one damned week, and the world thinks you've lost your damn mind, for the relative speed of progression.
Well enough--velocity notwithstanding, we're coming in for a landing.
Time to get back on the same page as the rest of the world, I suppose.
Damned shame the same isn't as easily accomplished in more blatantly appreciable regards. Not impossible, no, given the possibility to do so as has been, but...hell if I know how.