So I've been doing a lot of thinking about this resolution to get ROTC off campus. I keep meaning to be all bad-ass and show up to one of the meetings in uniform and give them a piece of my logical yet righteously indigant mind, but other things keep getting in the I doubt I'd really be as eloquent as I'd like to think I'd be. I keep
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Comments 4
Seriously: Form the Princeton Armed Services Support Organization. Compose it of both the ROTC folks and anyone who wants to help them out. Make the group's "purpose" nominally different from ROTC--something like "To support those willing to die for our country blah blah blah" and use it to get funding/vans/space as necessary. (And if you're feeling adventurous, you can raise money or send morale-boosters overseas, but that's all secondary.) If the Princeton Peace Project can get money to stage useless protests, forming "PASSO" should be cake.
Should the University just support ROTC outright? Of course--it should support everything that there's student interest in; that's what it's there for. But if you can't get direct support, finagle the system and get indirect support.
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