•I N F O R M A T I O N •
Name: Chantal
Single or taken: single
Sex: female
Birthday: july 26th
Sign: leo
Siblings: mom dad 2 broz a sister-in-law
Hair colour: blonde
Eye colour: hazel
Height: 5'4 - 5'5
• R E L A T I O N S H I P S •
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: straight
Who are your best friends?: cori . angela . amber . meagan . and all u othaz
You have a boyfriend?: nope
How many exes do you have?: 6
What is your longest relationship?: 7 monthz
What was your shortest relationship?: 2 weekz
• F A S H I O N | S T U F F •
Where is your favourite place to shop for clothes: ummm...
Any tattoos or piercings: my ears are pierced and i had my bellybutton pierced and i want a tatoo but my mom would never let me until i move out =(
Favorite designer?: no idea
What is your sexiest outfit?: dark jeanz with leather down the sidez and a rlli low cut blacc shirt with slittz all the wayz down the sleev that connect at the elbow
What is your most comfortable outfit?: my blacc dance sweat pantz and a t-shirt
What do you usually wear?: jeans and a shirt and big hoop earingz
• S P E C I F I C S •
Do you do drugs?: no
What kind of shampoo do you use?:panitne pro - v
What are you most scared of?: being alone and death
What are you listening to right now: nuthin
Who is the last person that called you?: kara
Where do you want to get married?: sumwhere nice and romntic
How many buddies are online right now?: 13 but more than half are away
What would you change about yourself?: i wanna have tanner skin so bad, my feet, my nails, my weight, and lil problem with my face
• F A V O R I T E S •
Colors: blacc and pink
Foods: chicken and chinese
Girl name: i dk... nicole
Boy name: dk
Subjects in school: lunch i guess lol
Animals: dogz
• H A V E | Y O U | E V E R •
Given anyone a bath?: my lil niece wen i was baby sittin
Smoked?: nope
Bungee jumped?: HELL NO!
Made yourself throw up?: nope
Skinny dipped?: nope
Ever been in love?: ya... =)~
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: maybe when i was like 4
Pictured a crush naked?: hmm ..
Actually seen a crush naked?: nah
Cried when someone died?: yeah =( R.I.P ~ J . M ~
Fallen for your best friend?: best guy friend
Been rejected?: yup... =(
Rejected someone?: yup
Used someone?: dont think so
Done something you regret?: yeah of course
• C U R R E N T •
Clothes: silky pajamaz
Music: nuthin
Annoyance: no1 2 talk 2... =(
Smell: nuttin
Desktop picture: OMG A SEXY PiC OF ASHTON KUTCHER!!! (topless =)~ )
CD in player: disturbed
DVD in player: nuthin
• L A S T | P E R S O N •
You touched: jimmy cuz i took his hat
Hugged: dunno
You yelled at: my mom
You kissed: PARTI!
• A R E | Y O U •
Understanding: mostly
Open-minded: yeah i guess ?
Arrogant: hmm..
Insecure: yeah
Random: hell yeah!!
Hungry: nope
Smart: kinda . i dont have common sense tho
Moody: not right now but sometimes
Hard working: not rli
Organized: nope not at all lol
Healthy: doubt it lol
Shy: if u don kno me then ya u would think i am but once u get 2 kno me no im not
Difficult: if u make me
Attractive: i dk ask someone else
Bored easily: at times
Obsessed: not rlli but ova a worthy cause... YA!
Angry: not rite now
Sad: a lot of the times yes... i don act it tho cuz not mani ppl kno how i rlli feel they just c wt i show and usually itz not how i feel
Happy: at times
Hyper: ya i can b.. and wen i am... WATCH OUT! ( u may have a heart attack lmao meagan and cori)
Trusting: shure...
• W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A •
Kiss: sum random ppl
Punch: ummm..
Get really wasted with?: ...
Get high with: ...
Talk to offline: dont u mean online ?
Sex it up with: chad michael murray or usher baby woot woot lol
• R A N D O M •
In the morning I: get ready ?
All you need is: someone there for u
I dream about: STUFF...
Sexual preference: umm im straight so i like guys thanks
What do you notice first in the guy you're into: what he looks like obviously
• W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R •
Coke or Pepsi: COKE cuz its constantly in my house
Flowers or candy: both
Tall or short: its better for girls to be short and guys to be tall
• W H O •
Makes you laugh the most: bunch o ppl
Makes you smile: sum ppl
Gives you that warm feeling: hmm..
• D O | Y O U | E V E R •
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: if they didnt im me id just im them
Save conversations: if there really good
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: nope
Wish you were younger: not really i wanna b older
Cried because someone said something to you?: yeah
• N U M B E R •
Of times I have had my heart broken: 3
Of hearts I have broken: i doubt any or at least i hope none
Of guys I've kissed: don go thea
Of girls I've kissed: eww no thanks
Of CD's I own: a lot but half r old and suck
Of scars on my body: a lot
Of things that I regret: i dk probably 2 many 2 count
• Y O U R | T H O U G H T S •
I know: that i needa do something tomorrow or im gonna go crazy lol
I think: i need 2 finish this quick
I want: 2 talk 2 *him*
I have: to finish this survey
I wish: i could see my friends
I hate: some people, my moms choice in music (can i say it enough ?), and fighting
I hear: my parentz walkin round downstairz
I search: 4 the right guy
I wonder: is he eva gonna come along?
I love: LOVE!