in case you're wondering i'm in the hell next door to yours. thats me tapping at nite. i won't tell you it's all just going to get better. i like you too much to lie to you. but i will tell you that you are not alone. i've fought depression all my life and attempted suicide 3 times. i was such a failure i couldn't even do that right. but if you find 1 thing to get you through the day, just 1 thing it'll keep you going. then you can work in one more thing. it's never easy but you can survive it. i consider you a friend and i am very selfish of my friends and hate to lose them. if there is ever anything i can do for, with or to you let me know. i work nites and just had my car destroyed but let me know.
hey... i just read this finally and know we already talked and all... but I really don't have any advice for you. I would suggest listening to Joey as well.. because at least you can relate to him or vice versa. :-/ I'll be at your recital no matter what though, because I like seeing your performances and see how you've improved and stuff... and enjoy supporting you and just straight up hearing you sing. can't get rid of me that easy.
Do you really want to be a singer? If it makes you this miserable maybe you don't...maybe you want to work at an animal shelter and pet kittens? Maybe you want to backpack through Europe? Or write the great American novel?
Or maybe singing's what you really want to just want to do it for love, not for money.
Or maybe you want to do it when you want to because you want to, not because you "have" to...
is the self-dislike separate from the singing? Or related?
I know we don't talk a lot, but I'm still your friend, hiding there behind the clouds. ^_^
hi! i don't know....because sometimes i just lose interest in everything and other times i remember how much i love to sing, and how much i love music...sometimes i sit there and am just amazed by the sheer awesomeness of one piece of music or another...and i'm sure the self-dislike is taints the can i like my singing if i don't like myself....that sort of thing...i think i'm going through some really bad times now, and they are making it difficult for me to figure out what it is that i want to do at all...
Comments 7
Like your friend above said, you need to grab that one thing in life that makes you happy and hold on to it tight as you can.
Reply can't get rid of me that easy.
KITTENZ. There are many kittenz to love.
Do you really want to be a singer? If it makes you this miserable maybe you don't...maybe you want to work at an animal shelter and pet kittens? Maybe you want to backpack through Europe? Or write the great American novel?
Or maybe singing's what you really want to just want to do it for love, not for money.
Or maybe you want to do it when you want to because you want to, not because you "have" to...
is the self-dislike separate from the singing? Or related?
I know we don't talk a lot, but I'm still your friend, hiding there behind the clouds. ^_^
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