brotcg; hearts01, hearts04, hearts09, ring13, ish07, replica11, memories05, ninja13, automail01, detective02, boobs05, amulet05, vice02
Applied for member card; mc_wing
Replied with card post to join form; insanity02
Member card swap + trade with
chimyde; mc_myde, traded ish07 for detective04
Member card swap with
desert_lemon; mc_lemon
Member card swap with
sparkism; mc_lex
Number Luck 03; replica12
Freebies 03; normal06, n-italy06, ego13, illusions03
Take over a vital region 03; baby02, dye08, superstar14, diamond01, unlucky06, sigmund01
Snapshot 03; stray12, zangetsu06, calories05, tenth11
Justin Law's Birthday Calendar R1; tonfa02, vessel10, mew04, insanity01
Eliminate the Trash 03; shirayuki12, ish02, immortal11
Lelouch's Closet 03; lollipop14, palmtop11, goggles08
Stein's Experiments 03; benihime10, respect10, mew06, spinzaku01
Cheagle Theft 03; germany15, alto02, fonist01, sensei03
Member card trade with
xtiggzie; mc_britty
Gilbert's Guess 03; vice01, edo12, sigmund14, boobs01
Chrome's Corner #001; normal04, dye01, cosplay11, reject12, papa02, vice03
Distracted #003; cross14, ish08, superstar04, tono12
Member card swap with
rokeru; mc_abby
Member card swap + trade with
frickbiscuits; mc_dani, traded tenth11, dye08, insanity02 for detective12, america08, fonist05
Trade with
chimyde; traded stray12 for hearts14
Member card swap + trade with
preuben; mc_sei, traded tonfa02 for sigmund07
Member card swap + trade with
teagueful; mc_gareth, traded spinzaku01 for hearts07
Trade with
sparkism; traded superstar14, superstar04 for hearts05, memories13
Member card swap with
thumbs; mc_arisa
Member card swap + trade with
chifred; mc_naoto2, traded normal06 for n-italy08
Trade with
desert_lemon; traded illusions03 for detective15
Deck suggestion #1; tonfa03, balance14, detective03, yellow ticket
Trade with
preuben; traded vessel10, sensei03, papa02 for memories07, replica04, vice09
Member card swap with
konimi; mc_hana
Member card swap with
pinkified; mc_saku
Member card swap with
midori_lover; mc_midori
Eyepatch it R2; castanet11, ruby13, sigmund11, headphones14
Trade with
konimi; traded tonfa03 for memories11
Member card swap with
gravity_xx; mc_jamie
Sunako's Deck Surprises! August 2009 Edition; prosecutor05, england10, france14, prussia14, russia15, spain04, dagger15, napoleon12, pacifist12, existence03, rabbit13, servant05, colonel11, money02, rappigs10, existence09, hearts02, hearts03
Member card swap + trade with
technophile; mc_case, traded benihime10 for replica15
Mastered! Member cards; hearts08, germany08, kendo02, shota07
Trade with
desert_lemon; traded prussia14, russia15, ish08 for hearts12, existence07, sigmund09
Number Luck 04; promise01
Trade with
_sabriel; traded shirayuki12 for n-italy04
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded dye01 for memories02
Freebies 04; prosecutor06, headphones14, goggles07, bl@ster09
Donated Pandora Hearts Level Signs; mansex02, colonel13, goggles14, yellow ticket
Level Up! L2; crime02, n-italy01, dagger04, equipment14, snake07
Take over a vital region 04; russia02, superstar13, cloaked02
Trade with
konimi; traded spain04 for existence14
Member card swap with
playstereoplay; mc_jamejame
Member card swap + trade with
databomb; mc_miru, traded insanity01 for tono04
Eliminate the Trash 04; vice14, park12, reserved14, red ticket
Sora's Card Kitchen; vincent10
Member card swap + trade with
first_quadrant; mc_xy, traded reject12 for detective08
Member card swap + trade with
pyrotol; mc_jessie, traded normal04 for servant01
Member card swap with
diplopod; mc_mar
Justin Law's Birthday Calendar R2; camelot14, stray13, edo14, tiger11, bunny09, danaan03, yellow ticket
Distracted #004; colorado06, france09, prussia15, revolt13
Member card swap + trade with
photographey; mc_aoi, traded automail01, calories05, superstar13 for hearts06, hearts13, headphones07
Trade with
konimi; traded 1 yellow ticket for existence13
Gilbert's Guess #004; pictures05, america07, bell11, normal05
Eye spy with Mugi & Yui #004; vice04, destiny13, desperado06
Ticket Booth; used 1 red and 1 yellow ticket for hearts10, hearts11, hearts15
Mastered! Hearts; existence08, shaolin12, mansex13, blindfold07, yellow ticket
Trade with
playstereoplay; traded normal05 for replica01
Trade with
technophile; traded germany15 for colonel15
Eyepatch It R3; amulet02, prosecutor11, navigate03, awaken07
Member card swap with
vociferocity; mc_popo
Member card swap with
annotate; mc_ang
Member card swap with
inkoryl; mc_ice
Member card swap + trade with
pyrat_xo; mc_pyrat, traded navigate03 for colonel10
Cheagle Theft R4; reserved14, beast08, bombs01, debt10
Member card swap + trade with
replica; mc_replica, traded colorado06 for servant08
Trade with
technophile; traded zangetsu06, beast08 for debt01, debt12
Member card swap with
apodysophiliac; mc_viii
Member card swap with
zellie_kinneas; mc_zellie
Trade with
gravity_xx; traded ring13 for sigmund05
Trade with
deluziional; traded debt12 for detective01
Trade with
technophile; traded pictures05 for shotas12
Lelouch's Closet 05; reserved05, wednesday11, fonist03
Midnight Channel 01; split12, sketch12, prosecutor09, yellow ticket
Freebies 05; three06, shirayuki08
Number Luck 05; detective14
Take over a vital region 05; illusions06, charm03, prosecutor01
Trade with
konimi; traded vice03 for detective10
Member card swap + trade with
histoirede; mc_flore, traded bombs01 for detective07
Trade with
desert_lemon; traded shota12 for prosecutor08
Trade with
first_quadrant; traded mansex02, mansex13 for prussia03, russia05
Sora's Card Kitchen; headphones03, detective06
Trade with
hiroaki; traded camelot14 for rabbit08
Trade with
chimyde; traded alto02 for detective05
Trade with
zafiroflauta; traded diamond01, promise01 for servant02, sigmund10
Eyepatch it R4; cryptic03, chaos14, tea10
Chrome's Corner 02; strict10, surf04, boobs05, wrench10, bazooka04, pictures03, yellow ticket
Gilbert's Guess #005; angel14, balance03, replica05, straw15
Deck suggestion #2; rat09, tags10, dagger13, yellow ticket
Level Up! L3; tonfa01, normal14, hypnosis01, acrobat05
Mastered! Member cards; detective09, zetta13, wine02, forest07
Trade with
technophile; traded pictures03 for debt13
Member card swap + trade with
deluziional; mc_delu, traded tonfa01, normal14 for replica08, replica10
Trade with
sparkism; traded charm03 for prosecutor04
Trade with
technophile; traded chaos14 for napoleon11
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded bazooka04 for headphones10
Trade + member card swap with
zafiroflauta; mc_zaphir, traded illusions06, ego13, shirayuki08, cloaked02 for america15, prussia01, prussia09, russia14
Eliminate the Trash 05; oblivion15, wanderer01, alto10, money13
Ticket Booth; used 1 yellow ticket for detective11
Stein's Experiments 06; zetta01, illusions01, guitarist10, blue ticket
Eliminate the Trash 06; promise03, servant14, bloody01, yellow ticket
Take over a vital region 06; diamond10, detective11, bloody09
Number Luck 06; charm01
Freebies 06; chunks14, germany04
Trade with
technophile; traded three06, respect10 for colonel05, vincent06
Member card swap with
_sabriel; mc_sabriel
Member card swap with
aiden_lork; mc_aiden
Trade with
midori_lover; traded reserved05, reserved14, awaken07 for rabbit07, headphones09, vincent02
Member card swap with
tamaryokucha; mc_jiyu
Trade with
desert_lemon; traded prussia09, snake07 for prosecutor02, replica07
Trade with
chimyde; traded strict10 for detective13
Mastered! Detective; prosecutor03, cyrogenic12, bloody15, quincy12, yellow ticket
Sora's Card Kitchen; headphones11, vincent11
Member card swap with
schaly; mc_schaly
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded illusions01 for destiny08
Member card swap with
kuzco; mc_kami
Member card swap with
wushuhimexx; mc_wushuhimexx
Gilbert's Guess #006; bell04, edo04, scythe15, bloody02
Eye spy with Mugi & Yui #006; drum11, planned10, russia03
Ticket Booth; used 6 yellow tickets for prosecutor07, prosecutor10, prosecutor12, prosecutor13, prosecutor14, prosecutor15
Trade with
zellie_kinneas; traded planned10, straw15 for fonist09, headphones05
Trade with
pyrat_xo; traded wednesday11 for rabbit04
Mastered! Prosecutor; existence01, trash14, tactics13, one01, yellow ticket
Trade with
modern_prufrock; traded bunny09 for headphones13
Trade with
inkoryl; traded chunks14 for servant04
Trade with
december_zephyr; traded headphones14 for england07
Trade with
zafiroflauta; traded diamond10, scythe15 for rabbit03, replica14
Justin Law's Birthday Calendar R4; england11, guitarist11, sensor03
Eyepatch it R5; yuri07, bunny03, pyro12
Trade with
kelliedee; traded boobs01, boobs05 for sigmund08, spain04
Trade with
databomb; traded bl@ster09 for replica02
Trade with
konimi; traded prussia01 for replica06
Freebies 07; headphones03, drum14
Trade with
technophile; traded shota07, bunny03 for fonist10, fonist13
Trade with
zanisha; traded destiny13, zetta13 for tono13, rabbit05
Give a Nobody a Heart [Special Round]; yellow ticket
Number Luck 07; existence02
Trade with
rokeru; traded oblivion15 for headphones12
Trade with
deluziional; traded stray13 for germany11
Trade with
konimi; traded guitarist10, guitarist11 for science10, napoleon15
Trade with
tamaryokucha; traded cross14, bell04 for support02, dagger07
Bad Karaoke Night R6; wrench05, support12, bombs02
Gilbert's Guess #007; frog12, reserved02, three15, stray06
Trade with
desert_lemon; traded wrench05, wrench10, america07 for fonist02, fonist08, england01
Trade with
xtiggzie; traded equipment14, frog12 for headphones08, science15
Trade with
technophile; traded three15 for pacifist14
Distracted #007; keyboard06, vincent08, dye12, flames04
Snapshot 08; destiny15, baseball06, boobs11, mercenary06
Freebies 08; flames02, automail04
Number Luck 08; germany04
Eliminate the Trash 07; innocence04, devils08, prussia11
Take Over a Vital Region 07; lollipop10, cyrogenic07, valkyrie02, automail08, charm04, prosecutor07
Stein's experiments 08; rabbit15, bunny06, one04
Trade with
kuzco; traded immortal11, tags10 for support09, russia11
Chrome's Corner #003; techno10, park02, france13, trash07, rio15, science11
Level Up! L4; colorado12, rappigs03, armslave07, existence06
Sora's Card Kitchen; pacifist10, vincent01
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded baseball06 for america10
Trade with
databomb; traded techno10, armslave07, sensor03 for rabbit14, vincent15, colonel14
Trade with
desert_lemon; traded innocence04 for fonist15
Member card swap + trade with
zanisha; mc_zen, traded destiny15 for russia01
Trade with
technophile; traded colorado12, reserved02, reserved14 for science04, promise06, rappigs15
Member card swap with
sexyfruitcake; mc_tommy
Trade with
thumbs; traded bell11, boobs11, trash07, trash14 for dagger03, dagger05, servant13, vincent14
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded flames02, flames04 for drum02, tono15
Trade with
zanisha; traded blindfold07 for existence12
Member card swap with
chappuholic; mc_asaa
Trade with
konimi; traded vice04, palmtop11 for science13, drum15
Trade with
pyrat_xo; traded tono13 for fonist06
Lelouch's closet #08; bass05, eyepatch05, wanderer05
Midnight Channel #04; unlucky11, acrobat06, spiral12
Trade with
aiden_lork; traded devils08 for promise15
Justin Law's Birthday Calendar R5; palmtop14, guitarist07, method11
Eyepatch it R6; assassin01, sensei02, immortal03
Trade with
pyrotol; traded france09, france13, france14 for england06, england09, america01
Freebies 09; wicked07, symmetry10
Number Luck 09; existence04
Take Over a Vital Region 08; panther07, france10, hypnosis02, massacre07, pizzahut14, rappigs01
Trade with
rokeru; traded acrobat05, acrobat06 for dagger01, dagger11
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded edo14, blue ticket for russia10, vincent05, zetta04, germany06
Sora's Card Kitchen; revolt11
Trade with
wushuhimexx; traded bombs02, germany04 for mew13
Gilbert's Guess #008; pictures05, aru04, bombs03, servant13
Distracted #008; temper15, therapist10, reserved06, freaked09
Eliminate the trash #08; three02, stoic05, trash09, yellow ticket
Trade with
desert_lemon; traded freaked09 for servant15
Trade with
technophile; traded ruby13 for zetta02
Trade with
zanisha; traded eyepatch05, zetta04 for dagger08, pacifist07
Trade with
tamaryokucha; traded automail04, automail08, castanet11, ninja13, rio15 for n-italy10, n-italy15, spain01, pacifist11, germany14
Trade with
hiroaki; traded bass05, trash09 for drum06, support05
Trade with
xtiggzie; traded detective11, guitarist07, charm01, charm04, goggles14 for france03, drum07, prussia08, russia15, england03
Trade with
gravity_xx; traded spiral12 for headphones15
Trade with
pyrat_xo; traded reserved06 for replica13
Member card swap with
kirkland; mc_iggy
Ticket Booth; used 3 yellow tickets for existence10, existence11, existence15
Reaching for the Heavens 02; prosecutor15
Midnight Channel 05; coralian01, trim10, innocence02
Lelouch's Closet 09; camelot03, equipment04, pureblood06, crime13
Trade with
kirkland; traded prussia08, prussia11, prussia15 for existence05, servant03, freaked02
Trade with
mongoosehwrs; traded googles07, goggles08 for servant06 and dagger02
Trade with
desert_lemon; traded freaked02, crime13 for germany15, colonel02, science14
Trade with
nyarmar; traded headphones03 for germany10
Trade with
sparkism; traded park02 for vincent13
Trade with
konimi; traded drum07 for science06
Trade with
nyarmar; traded zetta02, rappigs03, rappigs15 for servant12, vincent07, dagger14
Trade with
zellie_kinneas; traded hypnosis01 for vincent03
Trade with
zafiroflauta; traded promise03, promise15 for america11, sigmund04
Trade with
_sabriel; traded tactics13, desperado06, mercenary06 for support11, money11, america09
Trade with
rokeru; traded prosecutor07, prosecutor15 for spain15, support06
Mastered! Existence ehehehe; servant07, keyboard03, garlic03, spain06, yellow ticket
Freebies 10; assassin02, innocence06
Number Luck 10; promise10, drum07
Take Over a Vital Region 09; immature08, leviathan01, navigate02, massacre06, whispered13, rio03
Sakura's Card Collection #1; traded whispered13 for panther01, rio08
Trade with
kirkland; traded kendo02 for innocence10
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded stoic05 for sexy07
Sora's Card Kitchen; acrobat01, massacre01
Trade with
midori_lover; traded spain06 for rabbit01
Trade with
desert_lemon; traded keyboard06 for innocence05
Trade with
technophile; traded immature08 for colonel04
Distracted #009; support08, spy10, green08, destiny02, immature15, yellow ticket
Q&A with Battler #1; immortal04, symmetry08
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded panther01, panther07 for acrobat08, prussia10
Trade with
mightyichi; traded pictures05 for innocence04
Freebies 11; diamond11, science09
Trade with
sparkism; traded tiger11 for sexy11
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded desinty08 for russia12
Presea's Forge 005; wrench03, blossoms05, yellow ticket
Card Pot #2; traded wine02 for massacre02
Sunohara's Trap Radar 005; spy08, camellia01, kendo14, ranking15
Sora's Card Kitchen; massacre11, massacre15
Trade with
kirkland; traded servant13 for sexy02
Level Up! L5; tono06, cosplay14, awaken13, rabbit10
Trade with
kirkland; traded wrench03 for innocence01
Trade with
first_quadrant; traded assassin01, destiny02 for rabbit12, support03
Trade with
sexyfruitcake; traded rio03, rio08 for massacre04, pacifist01
Trade with
mightyichi; traded cryptic03 for sigmund06
Nozomi's Pinky Search 004; tono02, skimpy14, palmtop05
Trade with
pyrotol; traded wanderer01 for innocence15
Kyon's Film Strips Round #2; germany05, existence13, science05
Q&A with Battler Round #2: devils12, oblivion07
Number Luck 11; worker07, dagger12
Take Over a Vital Region 10; dog04, sexy12, skimpy01
Trade with
replica; traded camelot03 for n-italy02
Freebies 12; spiral13, acrobat14
Eye spy with Mugi & Yui #010; massacre10, assassin13, chunks06
Distracted #010; sheep10, digger07, jealous12, dornkiste14
Distracted #011; dragon11, replica05, assassin10, vice04
Take Over a Vital Region 11; france12, meister03, superstar11
Number Luck 12 (OMFG I never win these luck games ajdlkjasd :DD); napoleon13, signs08, whispered02, cyborg11, maps03
Sora's Card Kitchen; vessel03, superstar02
Sakura's Card Collection #3; traded superstar02 for russia07, colorado07
Trade with
mongoosehwrs; traded bunny06, colorado07 for france07, tono13
Trade with
konimi; traded dye12 for money07
Justin Law's Birtday Calendar R8 + R9; sexy04, ninja12, giraffe01, dokugan10
Donated Ace Attorney Level Signs; germany09, gar13, ego04, yellow ticket
Donated Karneval Level Signs; hearts14, adopt14, calories13, yellow ticket
Trade with
lucathia_rykatu; traded spy08, spy10 for russia08, spain05
Trade with
thumbs; traded rappigs01 for dagger06
Cheagle Theft R8 to 11; blossoms03, boar15, guitarist08, succubus07, dagger04, cool12, shirayuki12, pervert10, yellow ticket
Eyepatch it R7 to 10; tono07, strict15, camellia06, replica01, dekosuke09, crystal12, respect15, scorpio14, yellow ticket
Bad Karaoke Night R8 + R11; awaken15, boar12, hunter12, puppet07
Trade with
konimi; traded replica01, replica05 for headphones04, n-italy09
Trade with
nyarmar; traded diamond11 for dagger10
Trade with
kirkland; traded guitarist08 for fonist11
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded strict15 for fonist04
Trade with
akkhima; traded alto10 for england08
Trade with
zanisha; traded crystal12 for promise14
Q&A with Battler Round #3; france14, papa13
Kyon's Film Strips Round #3; believe15, panther10, servant03
Freebies 13; modified05, garlic04
Sora's Card Kitchen; calories02, calories06
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded panther10 for england15
Card Pot #4; traded whispered02 for napoleon10
Take Over a Vital Region 12; vessel14, sexy09, ring05
Q&A with Battler Round #4; freeze07, hypnosis13, existence12
Kyon's Film Strips Round #4; papua03, tono08, oblivion02
Sunohara's Trap Radar 006; wine06, russia11, alto12, ranking09
Trade with
zanisha; traded believe15 for bloody04
Freebies 14; shenhu02, mansex12
Take Over a Vital Region 13; mansex03, trap14, science13
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded existence13, servant03 for germany02, replica03
Trade with
sexyfruitcake; traded cyborg11, succubus07 for calories03, science08
Trade with
kirkland; traded russia11 for spain11
Trade with
konimi; traded vessel03 for napoleon02
Trade with
zanisha; traded papua03 for innocence07
Trade with
wushuhimexx; traded bombs03 for calories07
Trade with
chatiel; traded forest07, science13, oblivion02, ranking09, quincy12 for rabbit02, spain08, america12, france08, acrobat05
Trade with
innerchance; traded devils12 for acrobat13
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded existence12 for vincent04
Nozomi's Pinky Search 006; bombs11, camellia03, keyboard07
Justin Law's Birthday Calendar R10; guitarist07, zetta15, england01
Cheagle Theft R13; cool03, digger02, strict03
Eyepatch it R11-12; scrapbook13, wicked03, shunpo04, one09, cow11, pictures10
Level Up! L6; dagger09, whip02, kendo10, headphones01, scrapbook09
Mastered! Dagger; vincent12, maid11, papua06, navigate03, yellow ticket
Trade with
zanisha; traded scrapbook13, skimpy14 for massacre08, england13
Trade with
konimi; traded vessel14, guitarist07 for revolt08
Trade with
technophile; traded boobs05, keyboard07 for colonel06, drum08
Snapshot 15; surf08, rappigs06, hunter11, maps12
Freebies 15; prussia11, sexy06
Q&A with Battler #5; normal15, spy05
Kyon's Film Strips #5; cow06, camelot03, spain15
Ticket Booth; used 3 yellow tickets for servant09, servant10, servant11
Mastered! Servant; replica09, boobs07, dog03, mirano14, yellow ticket
Mastered! Replica; vincent09, scrapbook10, vessel06, meister13
Mastered! Vincent; rabbit09, spinzaku10, chairman09, rabbit02, yellow ticket
Trade with
zanisha; traded scrapbook10, skimpy01 for pacifist03, dornkiste08
Trade with
databomb; traded crime02 for revolt07
Trade with
kirkland; traded kendo10, rabbit02, spain15 for innocence03, acrobat03, acrobat10
Lelouch's Closet 11 + 12; daisho07, cat02, keyboard07, money03, monkey11
Eliminate the Trash 09; ouji02, cyborg02, sensor03, yellow ticket
Midnight Channel 06; bazooka04, bell07, desperado08
Eliminate the Trash 10; napoleon10, bass11, seventh15
Reaching for the Heavens 03; support07
Chrome's Corner #004; spy14, mew10, temper11, sensei07, yankee12, yellow ticket
Trade with
konimi; traded mirano14, vessel06 for n-italy03, sexy10
Eye spy with Mugi & Yui #011 + BONUS; poison05, tonfa14, mizuiro01, creepy05, yellow ticket
Gilbert's Guess #013; wanderer07, russia10, cocky15, america13
Distracted #012; pyro06, leviathan03, showoff04, taiyaki01
Trade with
zanisha; traded debt13 for pacifist13
Trade with
libelith; traded promise10, bloody02, zetta15, hearts14, shenhu02 for colonel12, fonist12, innocence08, money14, rappigs11
Trade with
pyrotol; traded normal15, therapist10 for colonel01, n-italy14
Trade with
sexyfruitcake; traded lollipop14, navigate02, navigate03, pervert10 for america04, england02, drum09, zetta09
Member card swap + trade with
mongoosehwrs; mc_aletha, traded cool12 for spain03
Deck suggestion #3; ripper04, normal14, aru08, red ticket
Member card swap with
innerchance; mc_arthur
Member card swap with
lucathia_rykatu; mc_lucathia
Ticket Booth; used 8 yellow tickets for rabbit06, rabbit11, headphones02, headphones06, fonist07, fonist14, england04, england05
Mastered! Rabbit; england12, yellow ticket, kunoichi04, vespa03, valkyrie12
Mastered! Headphones; england14, yellow ticket, keropi01, pray14, leviathan04
Mastered! Fonist; innocence09, yellow ticket, vessel14, flames11, dekosuke14
Trade with
zanisha; traded cocky15 for calories01
Level Up! L7; innocence11, ranking07, puppet04, england15, lollipop06
Mastered! Member cards; innocence12, temper03, yomi10, 10300012
Mastered! England; innocence13, dinosaur10, dynames14, mera08
Member card swap with
chatiel; mc_schizoid
Ticket Booth; used 3 yellow tickets for innocence14, colonel03, colonel07
Sora's Card Kitchen; colonel08, colonel09
Mastered! Innocence; russia06, yellow ticket, trident09, tono07, reserved09
Mastered! Colonel; russia09, scar14, guerilla15, cocky08
Trade with
zanisha; traded tonfa14, puppet04, puppet07, symmetry08, immature15 for desperado05, mew05, money01, vice08
Member card swap with
akkhima; mc_akkhima
Member card swap with
nyarmar; mc_lys
Kyon's Film Strips #6 + #7; boxer14, assassin02, scrapbook07, chuckles03, boxer14, caution03, spain09
Battler's Q&A #6 + #7; late11, chirp10, sealand01, revolt04
Sunako's Deck Surprises! November 2009 Edition; china15, canada10, japan07, s-italy15, blind08, fairies01, merrow03, sprite04, trumpet01, violin10, photos02, iris01, rose06, pollyanna01, seasons15, pollyanna13, seasons06, insanity07, lingo03, eastern11, respect10, mafia08, extreme10, guitarist12, chronal14, support05, snakebite14
Special Event: 50 Members!; japan08, se_50members
Trade with
zanisha; traded equipment04, tono07 for dornkiste12, rose05
Trade with
chatiel; traded leviathan04 for canada07
Trade with
mongoosehwrs; traded sheep10 for japan13
Trade with
akkhima; traded alto12, cow06 for a yellow ticket
Take Over a Vital Region 14; bk-20103, england09, cleavage05, selece13, blossoms06, normal03
Trade with
databomb; traded mafia08 for drum12
Trade with
chifred; traded scar14 for massacre14
Take Over a Vital Region 15; eyes08, kendo05, sigmund15, america08, two02, kuma07
Number Luck 13; pacifist05, germany14
Number Luck 14; bathouse15, destiny14
Number Luck 15; tonfa13, cow02, chigusa08, sleep11, symmetry01
Member card swap with
afrocountry; mc_chloe
Number Luck 06; pollyanna06, dornkiste02
Freebies 16; oblivion03, archaic09
Trade with
zellie_kinneas; traded chuckles03 for japan02
Snapshot 17; lupin05, cleavage01, deal06, trim06
Trade with
zanisha; traded tonfa13 for kuma02
Trade with
konimi; traded eyes08 for rose13
Trade with
kirkland; traded germany08, normal03 for japan06, japan10
Trade with
chikky2k5; traded spinzaku10 for seasons02
Trade with
libelith; traded bloody09 for japan03
Level Up! L8; japan04, vespa07, destiny12, immature15, spy06
Freebies 17; sadako01, pollyanna15, ish02, pleasant09
Trade with
_sabriel; traded blossoms03, blossoms05, blossoms06 for germany08, canada02, spain14
Trade with
_sabriel; traded bk-20103, chronal14 for seasons01, japan01
Trade with
sexyfruitcake; traded scrapbook07, scrapbook09 for japan12, spain06
Kyon's Film Strips #8; cigar02, chunks11, stocks10
Battlers Q&A #8; reject03, boobs06
Trade with
chatiel; traded oblivion03, eastern11 for rappigs03, memories09
Lelouch's Closet 013+014+015+016+017; whip15, wutai07, fonist09, cloaked14, spy13, answer02, planned01, pleasant07, luxuries15, shota10, yellow ticket
Midnight Channel 08+09+10+11+12; russia04, mansex04, shaved08, wicked06, digger10, whip14, baseball05, whip08, healer10, planned10, yellow ticket
Stein's Experiments 014; camelot04, sleep12
Eliminate the Trash 11; voi06, trumpet02, promise12
Number Luck 17; iris03, deal13
Number Luck 18; bloody08, canada02, rappigs12, insanity01, stoic01
Take Over a Vital Region 16; cool15, tactics02, kuma02, brother15, skimpy02, mercenary03
Trade with
zanisha; traded digger10 for violin07
Freebies 18; sexy14, camellia08
Trade with
lucathia_rykatu; traded spy05, spy06, spy13 for seasons11, massacre05, pacifist08
Trade with
databomb; traded deal06, deal13 for france01, memories01
Trade with
nyarmar; traded amulet02, balance14, bathhouse15, boxer14, ouji02, trap14, wicked06 for trumpet05, china13, destiny07, drum04, france05, s-italy07, zetta15
Trade with
sleepyroll; traded pleasant07, pleasant09 for memories03, sealand14
Trade with
midori_lover; traded awaken13, england15, america08 for drum03, promise07, napoleon01
Trade with
rokeru; traded 10300012, bombs11, canada02, cool15 for russia13, massacre09, memories04, memories10
Mastered! Russia; seasons04, goose02, techno05, mayoshi06
Trade with
kirkland; traded spiral13 for trumpet07
Trade with
konimi; traded answer02, boxer14, kuma02, superstar11 for blind15, sealand06, trumpet10, zetta12
Trade with
chatiel; traded ranking07, snakebite14, shaolin12 for mercenary08, revolt14
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded whip02, whip14, whip15 for piano05, merrow01, merrow09
Trade with
chikky2k5; traded cleavage01, cleavage05, freeze07, hypnosis02, hypnosis13, shaved08, temper03, temper11, temper15 for cello09, desperado01, desperado06, destiny02, flute11, heaven04, skill12, spirte14, zetta12
Sora's Card Kitchen; america14, spain12
Trade with
chibibabs; traded pureblood06, hunter11, hunter12 for china08, iris13, violin11
Card Pot #9; traded surf04 for cello05
Cheagle Theft R14; alto01, seventh01, three13
Justin Law's Birthday Calendar R12 + R13; attention11, fonist09, devout05, chimera15, iris12, tonfa03
Battler's Q&A #9; destiny09, chunks10
Trade with
chibibabs; traded tonfa03 for rose11
Trade with
zanisha; traded insanity01, insanity07, vessel14 for promise03, merrow12, violin06
Freebies 19; skill09, bags15
Number Luck 19; dornkiste09
Take Over a Vital Region 18; yellow ticket
Ticket Booth; used 5 yellow tickets for japan05/09/11/14/15
Mastered! Japan; seasons03, bags12, rabbit01, espionage15, yellow ticket
Distracted #015, #016; acrobat04, dinosaur05, shenhu05, dokugan08, monja10, bloody09, cester08, believe05
Eye spy with Mugi & Yui #014, #016, #017; calories12, dokugan08, nirvash13, butler04, automail13, oblivion13, trap11, manager08, brutal02
Sunohara's Trap Radar 008; swallow10, mask05, cigarettes11, reserved04
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded devout05, england09, germany14, russia10 for acrobat11, photos01, photos08, sprite12
Trade with
zanisha; traded espionage15, mayoshi06, guitarist12 for dornkiste06, revolt09
Trade with
sparkism; traded dog03 for zetta10
Level Up! L9; seasons05, mirano03, wrench11, vespa15, lady02
Member card trade with
chibibabs; mc_babs
Member card trade with
sleepyroll; mc_cat
Snapshot 20; mercenary09, puppet12, eyepatch06, hypnosis07
Freebies 20; host01, 6909
Number Luck 20; tiger02, balance06
Take Over a Vital Region 19; scythe09, fairies09, zabimaru01
Battler's Q&A #10; ego15, cloaked04
Trade with
libelith; traded shenhu05, ego04 for massacre03, trumpet08
Snapshot 21; money10, traffic03, bombs12, piano11
Freebies 21; destiny15, bathhouse01
Number Luck 21; rail03, beloved07
Distracted #019; existence10, mansex09, mission04, pizzahut06
Take over a vital region 20; rappigs06, vivienne08, fortune05, detective09, lionheart11, bored07
Trade with
databomb; traded chunks06, chunks10, chunks11 for massacre13, revolt01
Sora's Card Kitchen: america07, spain02
Trade with
konimi; traded bathhouse01, bored07, bombs12, ish02, detective09 for fairies02, iris02, iris10, rose15, sexy13
Battler's Q&A #11; emperor01, pollyanna07
Cheagle Theft R15; swirls12, cigar09, straw09
Trade with
rokeru; traded zabimaru01, cool03 for manager01, season07
Sakura's Card Collection #10; donated lollipop06, lollipop10 for nirvash10, mask08, pictures03, mirano01
Trade with
sparkism; traded luxuries15 for memories08
Take Over a Vital Region 21; yellow ticket
Snapshot 22; pizzahut08, spy14, cello02, america02
Number Luck 22; boxer04, existence04
Freebies 22; butler10, katana15, drum13, canada13
Sora's Card Kitchen; sexy03, support13
Trade with
midori_lover; traded existence04, existence10, reserved09 for mew12, cello03
Member card trade with
lovino; mc_ruru
Battler's Q&A 12; butler08, russia12
Cheagle Theft R16; ego05, keyboard04, chaos15
Justin Law's Birthday Calendar R16; piano02, emperor15, earl07
Trade with
zanisha; traded caution03 for france11
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded pictures03, pictures10, rappigs06, ripper04 for heaven06, heaven09, trumpet11, violin15
Trade with
zanisha; traded sadako01, scythe09, tono04, tono08 for napoleon14, sealand02, china04, china11
Trade with
desert_lemon; traded creepy05 for support14
Freebies 23; snake01, benihime06
Take Over a Vital Region 22; yellow ticket
Number Luck 23; scrapbook10
Battler's Q&A #13; clown09, drum10
Sora's Card Kitchen; memories14, prussia08
Member card swap + trade with
chikky2k5; mc_chikky, traded reject03 for memories06
Number Luck 24; skimpy04
Member card swap with
makoto666; mc_makoto
Card Pot #14; traded wine06 for massacre12
Mastered! Massacre; yellow ticket, seasons08, pacifist01, butler04, ego06
Freebies 24; seventh01, cool04
Member card swap with
nagareboshihe; mc_lunix
Trade with
zanisha; traded tono06 for canada03
Trade with
desert_lemon; traded keyboard03, emperor15 for s-italy14, heaven12
Trade with
chatiel; traded baseball05 for promise13
Trade with
mongoosehwrs; traded showoff04, cool04, symmetry01 for rose02, china03, s-italy08
Trade with
konimi; traded clown09 for trumpet12
Trade with
zanisha; traded dagger04 for drum01
Number Luck 25; china10, council13
Take Over a Vital Region 24; trumpet15, bags12, dekosuke14
Freebies 25; bk-20105, cello08
Nozomi's Pinky Search 007; desperado11, scythe15, beloved10
Level Up! L10; drum05, boar05, assist15, submissive08, signs02
Mastered! Drum; seasons09, france09, yankee09, stoic04
Number Luck 26; seasons13
Trade with
konimi; traded council13 for trumpet13
Take Over a Vital Region 25; revolt06, flute08
Freebies 26; flute12, forecast08, spain03, milk04
Snapshot25; dragon09, science03, panther12, pharos09
Sora's Card Kitchen; prussia12, prussia15
Trade with
sparkism; traded cat02, yankee09, boar12, boar15, seventh15, wicked03 for merrow10, promise15, shota05, shota12, skill07, zetta14
Trade with
sleepyroll; traded coralian01 for piano10
Trade with
libelith; traded assassin10, cloaked04, ego05, pizzahut08 for revolt03, revolt15
Trade with
chatiel; traded support05, vivienne08, archaic09, submissive05, ninja12 for america06, blind02, blind12, calories14, fairies04
Trade with
foxkaiya; traded normal14, techno05, ego06 for iris14, rose04, earl05
Trade with
chibibabs; traded katana15 for rose08
Trade with
frickbiscuits; traded russia12 for cello15
Trade with
desert_lemon; traded spain03, keyboard04 for debt13, tags05
Trade with
zanisha; traded split12 for bl@ster12
Number Luck 27; promise04
Give a Nobody a Heart (Special Round); iselia04, brother10, shenhu07, shenhu12, mu05, sprite06
Freebies 27; ish01, sheep15, superstar03, iris05
Sora's Card Kitchen; bl@ster15, tags07
Trade with
chikky2k5; traded 6909, hypnosis07, panther12 for bl@ster05, bl@ster13, pollyanna12
Trade with
knospi; traded scrapbook10 for merrow04
Trade with
makoto666; traded seventh01 for tags10
Presea's Forge 010; cello01, blind01, yellow ticket
Trade with
sparkism; traded england01 for rose07
Number Luck 28; blindfold07
Take Over a Vital Region 26; solids04, calories09, pharos05
Freebies 28; pleasant01, stray09
Eye Spy with Yui & Mugi #020; flute14, boar07, photos14
Trade with
foxkaiya; traded ego15, palmtop05 for names05, names14
Distracted #021; 6907, maps03, pleasure09, sensei12
Gilbert's Guess #020; planned04, terminal03, explosive01, n-italy12
Midnight Channel #014; symmetry07, hypnosis10, eyepatch09
Eye spy with Mugi & Yui #019; unlucky12, mercenary07, ouji07
Trade with
lucathia_rykatu; traded dekosuke09, spy14, trap11, whip08, selece13 for acrobat15, iris09, iselia11, memories15, sigmund03
Sora's Card Kitchen; promise05, solids10
Trade with
gravity_xx; traded bell07, unlucky06, unlucky11 for clarinet07, butler13, rose12
Number Luck 29; goggles10, peppy11, explosive14, lady02, ninja04
Take Over a Vital Region 27; feathers01, yukata03, snake11, hell10, flute10, mission03
Freebies 29; pollyanna02, dornkiste07
Freebies 30; heaven11, ouji14, shenhu02, scythe03
Trade with
afrocountry; traded bags15, bk-20105, boxer04, butler04, camelot03, camelot04, cow02 for iselia03, isela13, merrow02, pictures10, skill11, sprite11, violin09
Distracted #022: gofer05, explosive11, superstar03, seasons02, drugs14
Eye spy with Mugi & Yui #021: trident08, frog04, reserved06, crow01
Number Luck 30: rappigs01
Number Luck 31 & 32: boxer02, france15, bl@ster10
Take Over a Vital Region 28: bloody07, dornkiste04, money12, servant14, fairies02
Take Over a Vital Region 29: papa09, wicked11, tags15
Freebies 31: nocturne11, china10
Freebies 32 & 33: illness08, detective06, ecstasy13, solids03, sadistic04, mera05
Trade with
foxkaiya: traded daisho07, goggles10, palmtop14 for canada01, canada08, bl@ster03
Trade with
frickbiscuits: traded boxer02, china10, drugs14, extreme10, frog04, trident08, trident09 for blind09, iselia07, manager14, pollyanna05, rappigs13, skill05, zetta03
Snapshot 28 & 29: freeze13, coward03, suther04, garlic11, maps03, clown06
Level Up! L11: seasons10, memories12, deal04, kunai14
Mastered! Memories: seasons12, golfclub07, monja14, shaolin06
Trade with
konimi: traded detective06, forecast08, ish01, peppy11 for heaven08, napoleon04, rose10, support04
Trade with
mongoosehwrs: traded dragon09, napoleon10, ninja04, reserved06, scythe03 for cello14, earl01, mercenary04, merrow11, names10