Da Rulz...
Once you have been tagged you have to write a blog about yourself, list 6 weird habits/things about yourself. At the end you will need to pick 6 people you will tag and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment telling them they are tagged and to read your blog.
1. When I am too lazy to cook, I eat slices of things (usually ham, cheese, maybe pickles and a whole tomato) The makings of a sandwich without the bread.
2. I`ve seen most Zombie movies out there, for no other reason than I love/hate zombies (That includes the australian flick `Undead`)
3. The only ice cream flavor I like is vanilla (or fancy french crisp at Laura Secord)
4. Coffee makes me really hyper (unusually so) and makes me incapable of speaking french (Coffee = SPEED 4 Iza)
5. I like oldies and 80s music. (And cowboy music too!) When I am on the bus and an "embarassing" song comes on, I turn the volum down on the cd player/ipod.
6. After watching horror movies with or about ghosts, I tend to cocoon in the blankets when I sleep and refuse to look at mirrors once the lights are out (Only after watching the movie tho. Like after i watched the ring, I had to turn the tv that faced my bed to look at the wall) I`m neurotic :D
I now tag:
(You`ve been chosen in order of who last posted, not priority so don`t fight over it :p )