am i [x] all that apply and [negative] to those that dont (im a good rule maker-uper) [x] cute [negative] annoying [x] pretty [negative] ugly [x] funny [...i dont call other girls hott] hott [x] retarded
is there anything i should change about myself? nope
on a scale of 1-10 rate me: 9999999999999999999999.9
would you kill me if you could [XXXXXXXXXXXXX] just kidding. haha would you kiss me [ ] could you love me [x] as a friend do you hate/ despise me [ ]
anything youd like to say: i love amanda. your name or not.
[x] cute [ ] annoying [x] pretty [ ] ugly [x] funny [ ] hott...hott isnt good enough u like DAMNNNNNN!!!!haha [x]retarded..not as retarded as me though
is there anything i should change about myself? _no
on a scale of 1-10 rate me: _infinti
would you kill me if you could [ ] would you kiss me [ ] could you love me [x] do you hate/ despise me [ ]never!
anything youd like to say: someone should tape on a sign on u that says warning:explosives cuz damn u da bomb!!!! your name _Alex not
Comments 7
[ ] annoying
[x] pretty
[ ] ugly
[x] funny
[ ] hott
[x very. lmao] retarded
is there anything i should change about myself?
on a scale of 1-10 rate me: 647
would you kill me if you could [ ]
would you kiss me [ ]
could you love me [x]
do you hate/ despise me [ ]
anything youd like to say: not particularly YOUR A SWEET KID.
your name KAY-TAY
[ ] annoying
[x] pretty
[ ] ugly
[x] funny
[x] hott
[ ] annoying
[x] pretty
[ ] ugly
[x] funny
[] hott
haha retard.
(im a good rule maker-uper)
[x] cute
[negative] annoying
[x] pretty
[negative] ugly
[x] funny
[...i dont call other girls hott] hott
[x] retarded
is there anything i should change about myself?
on a scale of 1-10 rate me: 9999999999999999999999.9
would you kill me if you could [XXXXXXXXXXXXX] just kidding. haha
would you kiss me [ ]
could you love me [x] as a friend
do you hate/ despise me [ ]
anything youd like to say: i love amanda.
your name or not.
( ... )
[ ] annoying
[x] pretty
[ ] ugly
[x] funny
[ ] hott...hott isnt good enough u like DAMNNNNNN!!!!haha
[x]retarded..not as retarded as me though
is there anything i should change about myself?
on a scale of 1-10 rate me: _infinti
would you kill me if you could [ ]
would you kiss me [ ]
could you love me [x]
do you hate/ despise me [ ]never!
anything youd like to say: someone should tape on a sign on u that says warning:explosives cuz damn u da bomb!!!!
your name _Alex not
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