[Editor's note: This is meant to be happening in continuity with
this thread and
this one. Rodimus takes time off; Galvatron takes advantage!]
*descends from Terran high-orbit, zigzagging through the vast amounts of spacejunk and debris that seem to be flying around up here* *muttered cursing at the nuisance*
Graah - anyone could tell that humans
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*pulls up into a hard climbing turn, veering to port* *smirks to myself as one of the enemy fighters, too slow to match the move, goes skidding uselessly underneath your flank*
*goes right over at the top of the turn, getting me an upside-down panorama of the city through your cockpit windows* *studies my next intended move, battle computers subliminally racing to process terabytes of data at split-astrosecond speed* *this is going to be insanely difficult - but in that case, who but Galvatron should attempt it!*
*grins wolfishly* All right, Cyclonus, this calls for the performance of your life! Give me your best!
Give me your best!
/Always, mighty Galvatron!/
*waiting on your command, every circuit charged with anticipation...*
*flips us over and down in a plummeting rollercoaster drop, crashing through the middle of a second incoming wave of enemy fighters who scatter like panicked skuxxoids*
Ha-haaa! Yes! - run, you cowards! Out of my path or face your doom!
*levels out in a hard pull-up and accelerates, screaming across the city so low that I can feel through your sensors the sudden drag as the tops of the buildings tug at our slipstream* *windows rattle and walls shake in a four-block-wide wake behind us, sirens howl - yes, yes! Destroy it, destroy it all, blow this pathetic toy stronghold off the map of the galaxy-!*
*-no. No! Not today, at any rate, not yet...*
*with a quick snap of concentration, shakes off the brief urge to total destruction* *instead, focuses on my original target: the tall white needle that commemorates some long-dead human leader, with its coloured scrap of a banner flying from its pinnnacle...*
Hell yeah. ^_^
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