(no subject)

Dec 30, 2016 13:05

So a lot has happened in the last few years - my mom passed away, I inherieted her mess - her house and all her goodies (along with my chilldren because ya know, my Mom just could not make things easy for anyone)
She passed away two years ago - after four years of begging, er demanding that someone stay with her every night.   I understood her reason, she had never, ever lived alone.  Seriously, she moved from her Father's home to my Dad's in 1952 - and even when he was over in Korea or overseas in the military she lived with one of her sisters until such time that he moved back where she could join him.  She never learned how to balance her checkbook, how to get things fixed or who to call to take care of things that most women nowdays just do.  Thankfully, my Father refused to listen to her when she insist that I didn't need to know these things - and he taught me how not to turn into my Mother.   In the end of her life, she finally agreed to allow me to take over paying her bills, making sure she lived somewhere safe (thank goodness for assisted living) and I took care of her in the manner that my Daddy did.  I even sat with her while she passed away - and in the end, she finally told me she was proud of me and loved me.  Something I have been striving to accomplish since I was a small child.  She even thanked me for taking care of her.    While she drove me nuts when she was alive - I do miss her and think of her fondly - often.

Unfortunately, she never finished taking care of my Father's estate and I now have been wading through both wills.   Loads of work, let me tell you.

My life has lost a lot of the stress I had when my mom passed away until work stress took that over - luckily my boss retired this year and suddenly I feel free as a bird because my new boss is very self sufficient and I'm able to do my job instead of mine and his.  Really amazing situation let me tell you.

I now have a new 9 year plan too - I can retire in 9 years....my plan is to eventually retire and move to Orlando and work part time for Disney.  I have a lot of work to get to that poin though -

First year - I need to pay off quiet a few bills and improve my credit score.   Should be easy to do since my credit score is well below poor thanks to all the bills I took over from my Mom's estate.  It is doable though and I have set in motion the begiings of the end of bills though and will have to stick to it.  I also have a plan to have a savings by the end of the year, as well as a vacation, emergency fund and Christmas account.  Needless to say I won't be wasting money purchasing Lularoe clothing and getting my nails done this year!  I'm also starting to downsize my hoard.  All dragons have hoards and I'm no different  - but now I've acquired my Mom & Dad's hoard - and my mom was a neat hoarder at best.  Lots to start getting rid of.  I'll list things here that I"m getting rid of - maybe someone one will want some of it.  If not there is always goodwill, bookoo & craigslist.

Second year - Continue to improve my credit score and save money, downsize.  Goal is to have $10,000 by end of year.  Start looking for places to live/purchase in Orlando.

Third year -   Continue to save money, hopefully have a place bought and paying on it so it is paid off when we move down to Florida.  Continue to downsize and prepare for my eventual move.  Start building as I have money to pay it off a place to live.  Looking into one of the tiny houses that has lofts or two bedrooms.  I don't want a lot of space in the house but enough land to live semi-off grid.  Be nice to  possibly have a place so that I can start spending holidays, weekends and summer vacations there.  If not this, then purchase a smallish RV for us to live in while on holiday

Fourth - Seventh years - More of the above!

Eighth year - finalized build or RV about paid for and finishing up downsize so we can move and still have money.

Ninth year - Retirement and move to Florida - everything not downsized moved and in place.

We will see how it goes....should be an interesting journey.

Ciao -


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