today... was a bad day... work... grandma emotional..brick to the face..... what the heck is going on with me... and why wont it stop.. heck...why doesnt anyone care
so alex... needs to find a fix... alex needs to find why hes such a bother...and fix it... utterly lost... and apparently nothing more than a has been... untrusted.... not worth their time... too young for words.... useless in a handbasket.... NOBODY and by the by..... what is it i need to do..... ive got nobody...
it hurts so bad i cant sleep... im so inadequate...i cant think otherwise... and on top of it all.... I got kicked out.... of bible study... because i suck... way to go alex... you messed up again... apparently...somehow...without knowing
never take friendship personal wow.... such a low lifed calice statement... yet so much of a true understanding
on another note.. girls make me curse... my shirt says so mhmm mhmm tomorrow just a day alone and bored... wednesday after school. HOME ALONE AT MY MOMMYS HOUSE I CAN SNEAK OUT WITHOUT SNEAKING!