should be lj-cut but i don't really want to. i guess i will anyway.

Dec 12, 2005 00:52

First Best Friend: dunno
First Screen Name: was stupid
First Pet: the coolest cat evar.
First Piercing: was a waste
First Crush: was also a waste
First CD Bought: probably sucked
First Car: s-a-a-b?
First True Love: is a dumb question.
First Stuffed Animal: what the fuck.

Last Alcoholic Beverage(s): none
Last Car Ride: fazoli's
Last Movie Seen: errrrrrr... harry potter 1?
Last Phone Call: nolan <3
Last Song Played: Spicy McHaggis Jig- Dropkick Murphys
Last Bubble Bath: too long ago.
Last Time You Cried: probably a few weeks ago, when i cried because i woke up at nolan's and the WINDOW was WIDE. OPEN.
Last time You Laughed: looking at little comic-y things with brother.
Last Time You Fell: probably like. yesterday. i fall a lot.

Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: yehhhhhs
Have You Ever Been Arrested: no
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: no
Have You Ever Been On TV: i may have repressed being on tv at some point...
Have You Ever Regretted a Kiss: ehh, regret is a waste of time.
Have You Ever Lied: hell yes
Have You Ever Teased: teased? sometimes i tease people for being stupid, or for, ya know. being ugly. or stupid. mostly not though.

1. NOT underwear (jk, srsly, zomygod)
2. PRIMO hoodie
3. shirt. white?
4. socksssss that do the matching thing.
5. lol pants.
6. hair
7. millions of tiny BACTERIAS, ohdeargodhelpthey'reeatingmybrainzzzz. sort of like zombies.

SIX THINGS YOU'VE DONE TODAY - (In no particular order)
1. described more than one thing as "cool like a pile of foxes. a big one. that's cool."
2. fuckin WORKED for the first day
3. ate at fazolis
4. played morrowind
5. kicked some ass
6. looked at the ceiling

1. nolannnnn
2. tashaaaaa
3. christineeeee
4. brotherrrrrr
5. sexxxxxx lolzomygodwtf

1. nolan
2. tasha
3. christine
4. brother

1. Hot or cold: hot (like a fox)
2. Chocolate or Vanilla: vanill-ahhh
3. Scary movies or funny movies: funny i guess

1. be born (check)
2. live (in progress)

1. the fact that i don't regret anything. chew on that for a while.

haha. more.

1.Taken a picture naked?
no, i like taking pictures outside, it would get a bit cold.

2. Painted your room?

3. Made out with a member of the same sex?

4. Drove a car?

5. Danced in front of your mirror?
dancing is not for foxes.

6. Been in love?

7. Been dumped?

8. Stole money from friend?

9. Gotten in a car with people you just met?

10. Been in a fist fight?

11. Snuck out of your house?
lol once.

12. Had feelings for someone who didnt have them back?
not really

13. Been in a cop car?
only on like. those days in elementary school when they teach you all about cops.

14. Made out with a stranger?

15. Met up with a girl/guy somewhere?
what? no. i have no friends. no guys, no girls, nothing. i do not, how you say, "meet up" with this "girl/guy"

16. Left your house without telling your parents?
Yeah but i'm sort of allowed to now.

17. Had a crush on your neighbor?
ughh *gags* all the neighbors i've ever had have been horrible preppy assholes.

18. Ditched school to do something more fun?
lol see: junior year

19. Slept with a member of the same sex?
i sleep with millions of people the same sex as me every day. we're all sleeping. at the same time. all on the same planet. *blushes* dirty.

20. Seen someone die?

21. Been on a plane?
yeah. i always end up next to the engine. NO. MATTER. WHAT.

22. Kissed a picture?
lolz yeah

23. Slept in until 3?
see: every saturday

24. Love someone or miss someone right now?

25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
i see foxes in the clouds.

26. Made a snow angel?
no. i'm a nazi child who doesn't MAKE snowmen. they're jewish. what the fuck. who HASN'T made a snow angel??? who WROTE this?

27. Played dress up?
i DID put on girl's clothes once... heyyyy wait a minute.

28. Cheated while playing a game?
lol fuck yeah. i am the cheating ninja. the excessive cheating ninja. i even cheat off people who i know more than.

29. Been lonely?
nope never. see: snow angels - loneliness is for people who don't have blue hair and blonde eyes. waiiit a minute....

30. Fallen asleep at work/school?
lol. i fall asleep in 2nd and 3rd hour. a LOT.

31. Been to a club?
when i was a kid, brother and i started our own club. it was named the purpletatics. it was a club for outcasts, and we were co-presidents.

32. Felt an earthquake?
yeahh they're so soft and cuddly.... ^.^

33. Touched a snake?
haha. ekans.

34. Ran a red light?
what you mean: ran= passed illegally. red light= stoplight.
what courtney hears: ran= operated. red light= whore district

35. Been suspended from school?

36. Had detention?

37. Been in a car accident?

38. Hated the way you look?

39. Witnessed a crime?
i witnessed myself screwin' your momma, and she so ugly it al-MOST a crime.

40. Pole danced?
eww. you don't know what's been there.

41. Been lost?
no. no lost. foxes do not lose.

42. Been to the opposite side of the country?

43. Felt like dying?
what does dying feel like? is it soft?

44. Cried yourself to sleep?
lolololololHAHAfuckinRIGHT. sleep spelled backwards is peels. awesome!

45. Played cops and robbers?
bitch, i play cops and robbers every DAY.

46. Sang karaoke?
karaoke is for ANTI-FOXEN.

47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
hahaha lol i stopped telling myself not to do things LONG ago.

48. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose?
yeah. the wierd thing is, i WASN'T DRINKING ANYTHING. O.O

49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
haven't you ever heard the story from old studio about the kids who saw it was snowing outside the recording studio and went outside and started catching snowflakes on their tongues? they were pleasantly surprised to find that instead of delicious snowy goodness, it was ash, from the power plant. kids=PWN'D.

50. Kissed in the rain?
dessik. sounds like a crappy fantasy charachter.

51. Sing in the shower?
In The Shower? isn't that by metallica? i don't listen to that DEVIL music.

52. Made love in a park?
"made love" is a term that should be reserved for passionate, romantic love-making. anything involving the word "park" is no longer passionate and romantic so much as horny and impatient.

53. Had a dream that you married someone?
yeah. it wasn't johnny depp. <.<.......>.>

54. Glued your hand to something?

55. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
flag pole.

56. Worn the opposite sex's clothes?
lol. i just had this conversation with nolan. like yesterday.

57. Been a cheerleader?
i can't think of anything witty to say here that doesn't make me want to puke.

58. Sat on a roof top?
got yelled at for it, too. like every day.

59. Didn't take a shower for a week?
when i was a kid.

60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?
no, i just whip out my handy- dandy fox! (he gots a AK-47!)

61. Played chicken?
chicken, chicken, who's got the chicken

62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?

63. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger?
probably not.

64. Broken a bone?
not really. i did, but i broke it the pussy way and just fractured it.

65. Been easily amused?
haaaaaa yes.

66. Laugh so hard you cry?
every so often. usually in relation to something nolan says.

67. Mooned/flashed someone?
foxes don't need the moon. they see in the dark. with their infra-red goggles.

68. Cheated on a test?

69. Forgotten someone's name?
no. i never forget names. not even of people i haven't seen since i was 3 weeks old. THREE. WEEKS.

70. Slept naked?
not completely naked. just a little naked.

71. Gone skinny dipping in a pool?

73. Blacked out from drinking?

74. Played a prank on someone?

75. Gone to a late night movie?

77. Failed a class?

78. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?

79. Played an instrument for more than 10 hrs?

80. Cheated on a gf/bf?
nope. cheating's a bitch.

81. Ate a whole package of oreos?

82. Thrown strange objects?
i mostly don't throw normal objects.

83. Felt like killing someone?
whoever wrote this survey? i'm sick of it now.

84. Thought about running away?

85. Ran away?

86. Did drugs?

87. Had detention and not attend it?

89. Made parent cry?
i guess.

90. Cried over someone?
Yeah. Asshole.

91. Owned more than 5 sharpies?

92. Dated someone more than once?

93. Had a dog?
cuttttttte! foxen are a bit like the dogzzzzzzz. maybe the foxen will follow.

94. Had a cat?

95. Own an instrument?

96. Been in a band?
school band

97. Had more than 25 sodas in one day?

98. Broken a cd?

99. Shot a gun?

100. Been on myspace for more than 5 hours?
gag me with a spoon.

NO MORE of this MADNESS!!!!


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