My DCUO adventures continued this morning...
First, I went to Central City to visit the attractions. I apologize that my character is in every one of these's hard to angle the camera to take a picture I'm not in and when I try to crop what I'm taking a pic of, it comes out fuzzy for some reason. It's pretty bad when I suck at using MS Paint. *lol*
First up, the Flash Museum.
(Honoring the freakish amalgamation that is a combination of Barry and Wally DCUO made Flash in this game...)
Then, I ran into Abra.
(Right before someone hit him, then tried to hit me. People in this game are very punchy -_-)
It was around this time hubby (I'm just gonna call him Tricks) showed up and dragged me to Gotham. Unfortunately, Gotham is located in the Arctic Circle and it's perpetually night. Hence, it's hard to take good pics.
Tricks (hubby) attempted to look like Trickster in the game. I think he did pretty good considering what he had to work with.
(This was especially fun when we went to fight Trickster and people started doing double takes)
But it didn't take long before his attention started wandering.
And he began running circles around me...
And he decided to go under cover...speaking in strange accents...
Meeting up with the hobbit that is DCUO's Captain Cold...
And then he logged off and went downtown to the comic book store and I somehow ended up on the moon.
(Freaking uncontrollable boom tubes...)