So. I'm merrily surfing around, checking my email, when I see "Why Mommy is a Democrat - - If you don't tell your children why you're a Democrat, then who will?" in the Sponsored Links section. Now, maybe I'm just *looking* for a reason to be pissy, but
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Comments 14
And if you don't explain to your kids that being liberal is just as American as being conservative, no one's going to do it for you. Other than perhaps Jon Stewart.
There's a reason I don't officially associate with a political party, even if it means I'm screwed in the primaries. XD
Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if the response to this post would have been different if I had left off the bit about my personal leanings. Too late to find out now!
Isn't it interesting how I feel really defensive and actually AFRAID to publicly identify as a Republican of any sort, and you feel the need to defend and identify yourself as a Democrat who *doesn't* automatically condemn other viewpoints? It's downright SAD what the fringe crazies have done to what used to be a workable and laudable system.
I guess I worry that while there is room for many beliefs, it's going to reach a point where that room is segregated. It's like more and more people are getting so sensitive about their beliefs that they are no longer interested in conversing about differences. They would rather surround themselves with like-minded people and shut out dissenting voices. That just feels rather dangerous to me.
My kiddo knows why I'm a member of the New Democratic Party (which is our left wing party). I volunteer and work the campaigns and stuff. I think it's important that he knows my values and stuff. But I also think it's important that he knows if he has different values and beliefs than I do - that's ok too.
That said - I also figure it's my job to educate him why same sex marriage is not going to send us to hell in a handbasket. It's been one of those days....
Um. Yar?
Oh maaaaan, the same-sex marriage thing. I'm starting to wonder if it's really a good idea to legislate anything that doesn't have to do with killing or maiming or otherwise physically inflicting harm on another human being. Cuz really, who is REALLY harmed by a same-sex marriage, even if you disagree? Not squicked, not offended, *HARMED*.
At one point you write:
>Why do I not see things like "If you don't tell your children why you're an American, >then they'll never see any point in making it a better place"? "If you don't tell your >children why you're an American, why would they see any point in voting?"
Tell my (hypothetical/future) children why I'm an American?
Er, um, an accident of birth and inertia. Which is probably the same reason that they will be and will remain Americans. And which is also true for the majority of Americans, unless they are recent immigrants.
Which is not to say that I am not generally happy with being an American, but it has only a minimal amount to do with volition or action on my part. And choosing not to be an American would require more from me than continuing to be an American ( ... )
I'm a gay, agnostic/atheist, feminist, progressive intellectual who has no problem with taxes, government services, or taxation that takes a higher percentage of money from the rich, as I think this is the best current way to allow for equal access to financial security and the practice of freedoms that WASPs with money take for granted. I also think that public, government-run services for pensions, education, and healthcare are good things, because pragmatically, the other way has basically failed and failed hard.
People who know me personally think I'm a hoot and a half, a sweet girl, whatever. And yet they support policies and people who basically want my ass in a concentration camp scrubbing latrines before I'm gassed, if half their public rhetoric is true. And so no matter how many times I say, "I understand that you love guns and hate taxes -- who doesn't hate taxes and who among us who understands gun safety doesn't think the gun fear ( ... )
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