I have not felt this much pent up rage, resentment, hurt and just plain old negativity since I was pissed at my dad earlier this year. Some of you know who this refers to - it does NOT refer to anyone who would see this - many of you don't. It doesn't matter as this is my little rant and I'll explain or withhold whatever I want to. No offense meant, of course. The fact is that I have been driven into Enraged Bitch Mode. It takes a hell of a lot to get me there, trust me, but it's happened. You can only bite me so many times before I'll bite back...hard. Even violence couldn't placate this immense anger that I have inside of me at this point. Plus, you can't get arrested for what I do; and what I do is worse than violence: I cause complete and total psychological devastation. It's easier than it should be given how much smarter I am than this person. If you know who I'm talking about, you also know that to be true. Otherwise, trust me. Is it fair that I propose to cause the utter ruin of a person's psyche? Perhaps not. But our interaction has never been fair. I'm going cold and heartless on this one and I don't care in the least. I will happily report every detail of the utter chaos that I cause in said person's mind after the fact. Hopefully, I'll be able to report that sometime this weekend. It doesn't matter. The longer this situation festers, the greater the damage will be. They'll be more than sorry for what they've done if I have any say in the matter. And for the record, anyone who should so much as mention the word 'bitter' in the context of this issue will face the same wrath. Don't push it without the whole story. And trust me, you don't know the half of it no matter who you are.