Okay I went to go lie down, and had the most creepiest dream. I'll place it behind an LJ cut though.
FurrySaint says:
Sleep well?
Captain of the guards gives troops hell, then says "Do your job." Guards stand around doing nothing. says:
For the most part yes, but then I had this really freaky nightmare.
FurrySaint says:
Chaosmaiden. says:
It was weird.
Chaosmaiden. says:
There was this group of friends. And we all had to go to this cave.
Chaosmaiden. says:
But when we got there, this person was there saying, only the people who have been friedns the longest have to go.
Chaosmaiden. says:
Like inside the cave. I was one of them, but as I tried to go inside I was overcome with serious sorrow. I grew very upset. So one of the guys took me to some girls house.
Chaosmaiden. says:
Next thing I know I talking to this blonde chick, and she's saying something about the Cave, and that it was good I came. Then her parents came home and started to yell at her so the girl gave me this folded piece of cloth, so I left still feeling sad.
Chaosmaiden. says:
I found myself at a cabin, it was aparently the Family's cabin (Blone chicks) and I spent the night there, and when I woke up blode chicks older sister came in with her family asked if I was alright, and what did her sister do.Aparently everyone who went into the cave died by her hands, and I was like. NO! I was with her till her parrents came home."
FurrySaint says:
Chaosmaiden. says:
Then I started to cry, and a poliece officer came in called my name, (Crystal) and asked if I would like to go home. Tearfully I nodded my head and went into the car, just before the Car pulled away, the sister ame tunning up to me saying. "She knows where you'll be. At all times."
Chaosmaiden. says:
TRhen I woke up.
FurrySaint says:
Oi... Freaky indeed... O_O;;
Chaosmaiden. says:
Chaosmaiden. says:
I woke up with that deep feeling of sorrow. It won't leave me for somereason.
FurrySaint says:
Chaosmaiden. says:
Not often I have weirdassed dreams like that.
Chaosmaiden. says:
I was hoping Scott would be online so I can see if dI'S at his place but it's a no go.
FurrySaint says:
I hate Nightmares like that, because they leave me with the overwhelming raw emotions I experianced in the dream. When I woke up I was looking at my TV which was off, and I couldn't get back to sleep, my mind was so fresh with the Nightmare. Now I know that the Cave had some signifgance, and so did that piece of cloth, but what really stands out in my mind is the cave.
I didn't explain it that well to Furry, but The people who had to go had some signifigance to it somehow. When I stood at the entrance I broke down in tears. Saying. "I can't, I just can't. There's something bad in there. I just can't." After that point I was crying a whole lot in the dream.
Knowing the few guys and three girls who went into the cave were found the next day dead and murdered gave me the chills. In the Nightmare all I wanted to do was "Go home." to my own home. I wanted to see my own parents again, and I was just so distressed over what had happened. When the cop lady came to get me, there was relief, yet I was still scared somehow.
Then that last line before I woke up. That's really strange. It's like, the sister is saying. "She's a witch, and she knows where you are." *Shudders* I hope this Nightmare is only a one time preformace. I'd hate to have it again. It was vivid enough as it. In that nightmare, I could feel, touch, smell... It was just strange, and creepy.
Then after I told Furry about the dream, I read Teh Cha Log Post. I am an Acolyte to Yaoi Mangayness, and I think Cows were behind everything in FFX and X-2.
It's a Conspiracey. Re reading that IRC log cheered me up a whole lot, even though I can't shake the feeling of sorrow, It felt good to laugh at my own crazy theories. That and Prarie dogs are Rabid. They are teh EEEEEVIL! Oh and Cows like to burn things. ^^;