Rosaria Domolava
age 134
birthdate Sept. 1876
family Nicoletta Domolava [Matron mother], Amato Belucci [father], Ines Domolava [deceased sister], Gasparo Domolava [brother]
loyalties Matron Domolava, House of Domolava
likes power, attention, parties
dislikes second place
fears losing power
strengths ruthless, determined, callous
weaknesses single minded, dangerously paranoid
on the outside
position second born daughter, heir
height 5'11"
hair colour flame red
eye colour blue
torncorpseplayed by Simone Simons
squiddedcontact squidded @ aim
Often mistaken as 'quiet' and 'reserved', Rosaria is a single minded woman with a thirst for power that overshadows all else. She has no grounding loyalties other than that to herself, she sees little use for attachment and affection when power can get her those things without her effort being shifted. She is ruthless in her pursuit of her own wants and takes little heed as to the condition of those around her.
Blunt and tactless, Rosaria has no compassion for lesser mortals, nor does she particularly like her own peers, but her tongue is less sharp when dealing with her own kind; less she hinder her own assent. Rosaria does not know love, nor kindness. Not out of a lack of it, her mother was not the most strict or ruthless of Matron's, surprisingly so considering Rosaria's prelidiction for the more extreme of behaviour.
Rosaria revels in her vices; her greed drives her, her violence spurns her on and her quest for power leaves her indifferent to the chaos left in her wake.
Born second to the Domolava family, Rosaria was preceded by the elegant and somewhat sweet Ines. From a young age, Rosaria was aware of her place; second to her sister. This was not something that suited the fiery tempered girl. Rosaria was oft overlooked for Ines, her sister's lessons coming first and Rosaria's second. Gasparo's birth did not change this, although the boy was given as much attention as Rosaria was.
As Rosa, which she loathsomely accepted as a nickname from Ines, grew into herself, she displayed a much harder and stronger nature than that of genteel Ines, and far more brash than the soft spoken Gasparo. Nicoletta announced Ines as her heir when it became clear that Ines was almost ready for the responsibility of the title of Matron. Rosaria, in a fit of anger, started to plot.
During a planned banquet within the Domolava household, Rosaria put her plan into motion. Known extremist peasantry members were given information on the banquet and were able to crash the event. During the siege, Ines was savagely murdered with a blade through her throat, decapitating her in an instant. With her heir killed, Nicoletta declared war upon the extremists there and then, rendering her guard to kill them. Rosaria took the life of two such men at believed retribution for her sisters death. Grief stricken, Nicoletta withdrew from the front of the household, leaving Rosaria to clean up.
Clean up Rosaria did, the peasantry were disposed of, an example made, and three handmaidens within the house executed for disloyalty. The House of Domolava was in mourning for their lost heir. Rosaria was silently celebrating a stunningly fabulous performance that no one would question. In the wake of Ines' demise, Nicoletta removed her family from their home in Verona, travelling through Italy to settle in the slightly more welcoming Bolzano, away from the tragedy of her first daughter's death.
It was then that Nicoletta declared that Rosaria would step up to take her sisters place, although Nicoletta did not share her beloveds belief that Rosaria was suitable to take the Matronage of the House at that point; Nicoletta saw more viciousness in her younger daughter. Leaving Rosaria with a wait before she would take her place at the head of the Domolava House.
Patience is not one of Rosaria's virtues.
+ no longer answers to Rosa without a growl | + intolerant to idiots | + very willing to get her hands dirty | + will indulge in petty time wasting only if she is lavished with attention | + dislikes masked balls | + greatly enjoys blood sports | + has a tendency for the dramatic |