ioshua is a pimpsomelikeitthomFebruary 5 2004, 03:41:33 UTC
just look at that. that's awesome. i wish i could draw on a computer like that. i have trouble making circles for happy's head. wow, that doesn't sound right...
i need a teacherpicturesarecoolFebruary 5 2004, 19:12:28 UTC
one day you must(please)teach me how to use PaintShopPro, we have a sample at the house, and I scanned some of my line art to color and I couldn't figure out how to do anything but effects, so I'm coloring in Paint and I'm sure stuff would look better if I used a better program, and your gonna have to help me buy I tablet, cause I don't know whats a good one for not too much money, and by the way this was a way cool idea you had, and it looks really good, can't wait to see more
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