It has been a busy weekend for me, working one job then heading right to another. Hopefully I don't have to do any more 16 hour days, they get old really quick. Since I have a little time on my hands I can tell you what I can remember from my mind lacking sleep memory. (I know it does not sound right
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Comments 4
Words are poetry, right?
And, poetry can be chaos.
That being the case.
My life must be poetry in motion.
God, grant me the serenity,
to accept the things i cannot change,
the courage to change the things i can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
I know that things seem to be looking up now, but i just wanted to say that because i think that you should say it. Not that you don't say it anyway, it just sounds like your really busy, and reading it/saying it/thinking it helps me calm down and whatnot. So, even though your weekend was kind of...messed up, it will get better, because it always does. Love to you, steve:-)
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