The memory fades into black.
She smells something foul, burned stew and stale water.
She smells the wood, the sickening smell of chilling winter as it freezes up inside her lungs. She tastes as liquid runs down her throat. A wooden spoon lands on her tongue as she feels the rough grooves of the utensil. What she tastes is possibly the most horrid thing ever conceived in the world. The meat was only half-cooked, the vegetables old enough to be practically rotting. It's out from under her nose, suddenly.
The girl slowly breathes in. Crisp winter air enters her mouth, passing over her tongue. She breathes out.
She notices as dirt as it enters her mouth combined with the horrible taste of whatever she had been cooking. She sucks in another breath. More stew begins entering and she swallows it faster, desperation making her work harder.
[ooc: Her punishment is to be stuck in the
Dark Magician Girl outfit for five days.
Guess who is not happy.]