Weddings Abound

Aug 28, 2006 23:53

Great merciful crap, it's finally over. Give Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn medals and celebrate the stamina of the 30-40 something male actor. I only went to three weddings, all of which I was invited to and I don't care if my own brother gets married next month. I'm not fucking going. Don't misunderstand me. There's some small part of my head ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

hoppergrass August 29 2006, 18:34:48 UTC
I feel the exact same way as you, and it IS a tragedy, and I'll thank you to stop raining on my lonely little pity-party, or you won't be invited anymore, Mister.

I've always said that if a movie were made of my life story, the lead character would be an utter bore, but the supporting cast and soundtrack would be top notch.


chaostyger August 30 2006, 07:31:34 UTC
I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about. Is cyinical half-optimistic hopeless romanticism (for others) a bad hors d'oeuvre for someone else's pity party? You know what the funny thing is? I'm really starting to get tired of listening to myself whine about my hang-ups and baggage, but for some reason, I can't stop posting stuff like this. You know what you said about not being able to stand reading your own writing? Yeah, I'm starting to understand.

So, what would be on the soundtrack for the movie of your life? I'm sure it changes year to year, but what would it be now. Say 72 minute limit. Go.


hoppergrass August 31 2006, 05:20:30 UTC
That IS funny. I always feel guilty for forcing my friends to stomach my angst, and yet I'm so comforted when I can identify with someone else's. You may have hang-ups and baggage, but you're eloquent, and it cuts down on the effort of my updating when I can just go, "Yeah, what he said."

Seventy-two minutes requires adding, which I absolutely cannot do at this time of night. However, I am always up for random listing:

Jane Says- Jane's Addiction, Mexican Blue- Jolie Holland, The Engine-Driver- The Decemberists, Bachelorette- Bjork, Moon River- preferably the Milla Jovovich version, Twilight- Elliott Smith, Punk Rock Girl- Dead Milkmen, Enough is Enough- Pain, Wondering Boy Poet- Guided by Voices, Pike Street- Harvey Danger, Amateur- Aimee Mann, Dead for You- Najwajean, No Surprises- Radiohead, Raindrops- Regina Spektor, Baton Stick- Sublime, The End of the End- Beck, Black Beauty- Jeff Buckley, Tommy the Cat- Primus.



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