Meme from Sharon

Feb 16, 2010 16:31

I'm a lemming. But a cute one! Stolen from sharona1x2

My mosaic.

1. Answer each of the questions below using Flickr Search.
2. Choose a photo from the first three pages.
3. Copy the URL of your favorite photo into this site:
4. Then share with the world.

01. First Name
02. Favorite Food
03. Hometown
04. Favorite Color
05. Celebrity Crush
06. Favorite Drink
07. Dream Vacation
08. Favorite Dessert
09. What I Want To Be When I Grow Up
10. What I Love Most In The World
11. One Word That Describes Me
12. My LiveJournal Name

Karner Blue Butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis), 2. Pernil w/ Rice and Beans 11, 3. Parallel Lines, 4. Carmelo Sunshine, 5. Cillian Murphy, 6. Pomagranite Martini, 7. la cathédrale et le ciel - HDR, 8. cheesecake NY, 9. Cosplay Violinist, 10. Before The Storm, 11. The disguise, 12. Structural Chaos" />

To Explain 10....I put my daughter's name Luz which many of you may know is Spanish for light. So there you go.

I have so much to say and no time. Busy busy bee for an unemployed person. Hmmm.

Love you guys!
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