[09:37] Rogues do it from behind.: Arthas is teh hotness. <3 [09:37] Rogues do it from behind.: >.>...<.[09:38] Salvatore Ruggerio Baldasarre. - |-o-| FTW! (-oo-) OMGWTFBBQ!: he becomes undead hotness
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[21:39] Makaber: i think the crux might be the different values. [21:40] Makaber: like, you like to prance around in fancy dresses being all ladylike, but the men of the renn were also prancing around (abeit in thigths) being all ladylike. [21:40] Makaber: and that just ain't metal.
I wish I knew where my camera was. I'd take a close up image of the needle-area of my sewing machine. I'm rather taken with the way the integrated light is glowing in my dimmer room, with the ardent crimson thread snaking around and through the needle, to twine with the second length of thread coming out of the bobbin-door. It's very cool looking