its official. i hate weather change. not only do i get sick everytime but when it changes on a daily basis i never know what to bring along for that day to help me against its evilness
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I havent updated in a week about. and i dont really remember much of what happened anyways. my allergies back full blown from shitty weather. Ive been drowning in my snot everyday and being annoyed as hell as usual from host family and school. its been a wonderful week indeed. i did manage to go to Oomiya(alone) and Shibuya(Al) for a bit and spent
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im being eaten alive by these mosquitos! my legs are COVERED in bug bites and they itch like crazy! and the weird thing is, noone in my host family has them but me. they laugh at this. i just scratch like crazy, lol
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From today we had to start wearing them fugly grey summer uniforms at school. stupid thin fabric on skirt flies up even more while i ride my bike. i need to seriously sew weights into the hem of that skirt soon
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I really believe someone at school popped my bike tires.. cuz they only started to deflate AFTER some mean boys at school saw that i ride my bike there everyday now. buttfarts
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