It's that huge fucking survey that Rachel and Jade did!

Oct 27, 2004 22:11

First name ---> Charlie
Single or taken ---> Extremely Taken
Sex ---> Male
Birthday ---> January 26th
Astrological sign ---> Aquarius
Siblings ---> A Brother and a Sister
Hair color ---> Dark Blonde
Eye color ---> Hazel
Shoe size ---> 13
height ---> 6'4"

>>--->*-;-* R e l a t i o n s h i p s~* <---
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: A Fiance
Did you send this to your crush: I am posting it on LJ
Did your crush send this to you? I stole it from Rachel, who stole it from Jade

--->*-;-*F a s h i o n S t u f f *-;-* <---
Where is your favorite place to shop ---> For clothes? Uh....
do you have anything pierced ? ---> Nope

>>---> *-;-* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *-;-* <---

Do you do drugs? ---> Just the legal stuff
What kind of shampoo do you use? ---> Don't remember.
What are you most scared of? ---> Knowing exactly how long I'd have till I die.
How many TV's do you have in your house ? ---> In my House, two. In my dorm, one
What are you listening to right now ? ---> The TV
What car do you wish to have? ---> R34 Nissan Skyline GTR V-Spec II
Who is the last person that called you or who you called? ---> Don't remember.
Where do you want to get married? ---> Wherever Rachel wants is fine with me.
How many messenger buddies do you have online right now? ---> Total....3
If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? ---> my Weight

--->*-;-* F a v o r I t e s *-;-*<---
Color ---> Black
Number (s)---> don't really have one...
Boy's name ---> don't have one
Girls name ---> See above
Subjects in school ---> don't have one, anymore...
CD or TAPE? ---> CD
Game(s) ---> Halo!!!

--->* H a v e Y o u E v e r *-;-* <---
Given someone a bath?---> Nope
Smoked? ---> Yep, off-and-on
Bungee jumped? ---> Hell No
Broke the law? ---> Yes
Made yourself throw-up? ---> No
Gone skinny-dipping? ---> Nope
been in love? ---> I am right now.
made yourself cry to get out of trouble? ---> Nope

--->*-;-* F i r s t T h i n g T h a t C o m e s T o M i n d *-;-*
Horse ---> POWER!
TRL ---> shit
Poop ---> see above
bugs ---> Computer Viruses

>>--->*-;-* F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s *-;-* <---
Do you like filling these out? ---> Not the long ones
How many people are you sending this to? ---> It's going to go on my journal
Who will send it back? ---> Are you listening?
If you could be someone else for a day who would it be? ---> I have no idea...
If you were a tree, what type would you be ? ---> A strong one...
Silver or gold? ---> Silver
What is the last film you saw at the cinema? ---> The Prince and Me
Favorite cartoon caracter? The smart kid in Fox Trot....his name escapes me.
What do you have for breakfast in the morning ? ---> FOOD, retard.
Who would you hate being locked in a room with? ---> Annoying people, and assholes
Who would u like being locked in a room with? ---> Rachel...........

1. Name: Charlie Martens
2. Named after anyone? BOTH my Grandfathers. Dig that.
3. Which finger is your favorite? ........
4. There is none.. SO THERE
5. When did you last cry? Don't remember.
6. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would star as you? Don't know
7. Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes...
8. Who do you admire? uh....
9. What is the #1 priority in your life? Doing the best I can
10. What is your favorite lunch meat? Don't have one.
11. Any bad habits? Too many...
12. What store would you never be caught dead in? .......Uh........
13. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? Probably.
14. Are you a daredevil? Not really
15 This is what happens when other people do things. There is no question 15. Just like there is no question 4. Fucktards.
16. Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Yeah...
17. Have you ever stolen anything? Just somebody's heart....
18. Do looks matter? Not really
19. When was the last time you wanted to punch someone? Uh...I usually block that stuff out...
20. Have you ever met anyone famous? YEP!
21. Do you believe that there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? No, but if you do, I have some oceanfront property in AZ for ya. Dumbass
22. Are you trendy? Ha.
23. What do you do to vent anger? Hit something sometimes, usually I just go off by myself.
24. Are you passive or aggressive? Yes.
25. Who is your idol? I don't really have one
26. Who is your second family? What do you mean?
27. Do you trust others easily? Unfortunately, yes. I trust people until they show me they're not trustworthy.
28. Favorite toy as a child? Uh...
29. What class in high school did/do you think was totally useless? All of them.
31. Where do you get in the most trouble? Uh..
32. Are you happy now? Yes
34. Who is your favorite band? Don't really have a favorite
35. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Nope
36. Do you feel understood most of the time? Usually, then there are sometimes where I confuse MYSLEF
37. Would you rather have a sore throat or an upset stomach? Sore throat
39. Do you know what 'sctief' is? A WHAT?
40. What is your nickname? Charlie.
41. Would you be a vegetarian? Fuck no
42. Would you ever bungee jump? Hell no
43. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? No, but I should....easier to put on for a Fire Alarm.
44. What are you worried about right now? School.
45. Do you ever wear overalls? Don't have any that fit.
46. Do you think you are strong? Yes
47. What is your favorite Popsicle at the moment? Don't have one.
48. What's the last thing you ate? .......A cheese and ritz sandwich.
49. Drank? Pitch Black Mountain Dew
50. Birthday: 01/26/1984
51. Favorite Color: Black
52. Eye Color: Hazel
53. What time is it? 2237
54. Last Person who you talked to on the phone: Don't remember
55. The last person who slept in your bed with you: Rachel
56. Last Person that Made you cry: Uh...don't remember
57. Last person You had a drink with: What kind of drink?
58. You went to the movies with: Rachel
59. Who Last Sent you an email: Don't remember
60. Are you bored? Yep
61. How many people you know are on MSN at the moment?: Nobody.
62. Who laughs the loudest? Jade
64. Who is going to have the most kids? Jade. She can't keep her legs together. (just kidding, Jade!!!)

Name: Charlie
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Birthday: January 26th
Place of Birth: Kalamazoo
Siblings: Brother and a Sister
Parents: Rex and Sue
Pets: Sparky my dog and Moey my sister's cat.
Height: 6'4"
Weight: Last I checked....230
Hair Color: Dark Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Eye Color of Choice: No real preference
Writing Hand: Left
Current Residence: Halverson Hall in MQT


Do you bite your nails?: No
Can you roll your tongue?: yep
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: Yep
Can you blow smoke rings?: Nope, not that skilled
Can you blow spit bubbles?: eew, yes
Can you cross your eyes?: Yes
Tattoos?: None
Piercings and where?: None
Do you make your bed daily?: Nope


What goes on first, bra or underwear?: Underwear, don't need a bra...
Which shoe goes on first?: right, usually
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: Yes
On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: ha ha ha ha ha ha
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: ...My watch, if it counts...
What's sexiest on a guy?: don't know
Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great?: On time
Favorite piece of clothing: don't have a favorite.


Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl
How many cereals in your cabinet?: None
What utensils do you use to eat pizza?: The only two that should be used, HANDS
Do you cook?: Sometimes


How often do you brush your teeth?: ...Not as often as I should..
How often do you shower/bathe?: see above
How long does your shower last?: Haven't timed myself...
Hair drying method: Air
Do you paint your nails?: hell no


Do you swear?: too often
Do you ever spit?: only outside...
Do you pee in the shower?: eew


The CD Player: Nothing
Person you talk most on the phone with: Rachel
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: No
What color is your bedroom?: Institution White
Do you use an alarm clock?: When I need to
Name one thing you are obsessed with: Halo
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex?: Nope
Ever sunbathed nude?: nope
Window seat or aisle?: Window
What's your sleeping position?: With Rachel
What kind of bed do you like?: A comfy one.
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: No
Do you snore?: I've been told that I do...
Do you sleepwalk?: Nope
Do you talk in your sleep?: I hope not
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Nope
How about with the light on?: Nope
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: Sometimes...

What is the first thing you notice when you look at a guy?: I don't look at guys like that...
What do you think of cheating?: It's BAAADDDDD
Makeup: Only on-stage
Virgin?: Not for a year as of November 11.


Coke or Pepsi?: Pepsi
Oranges or apples?: Apples
One pillow or two?: Two, if they're good, more if they're too soft.
Deaf or blind?: Neither, thank you
Pools or hot tubs?: Pools
Blondes or brunettes?: Yes, please
Tall or short?: Tall

TV or radio?: TV
Beach or pool?: Beach
Sunrise or Sunset?: Sunset
Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: Cheeseburger
Morning or night?: Night
Sports or news?: Depends on what kind of sports...
Bikini or one-piece?: On women.... two-piece..... heh heh heh
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: Day, a lot less anxiety..
Cake or ice cream?: Yes
Hamburger or Hot Dog?: Yes
Dog or Cat?: Dog
Bath or shower?: Shower


Took a shower?: Couple of days ago
Watched Bambi?: A LOOOOOOOOONNNGGGG time ago.
Cried?: Don't remember
Talked on the phone?: Don't remember
Read a book?: Too long ago
Punched someone?: Don't remember


Where do you see yourself in ten years?: Married, and happy
Who are you going to be married to?: Rachel
How many kids?: Two
Your profession: Not sure yet
Future School: don't know
Car of Your Dreams: R34 Nissan Skyline GTR V-Spec II

[ Current Clothes ] Blue jeans and my LSPR shirt
[ Current Mood ] blarg (as Kyle would say sometimes)
[ Current Music ] Movie
[ Current Taste ] Aftertaste from that pitch black mountain dew I had earlier
[ Current Make-up ] None
[ Current Hair ] Bedhead
[ Current Book you're reading ] The Matrix and Philosophy
[ Current CD in CD Player] Nothing
[ Current Worry ] School

[ you touched ] Rachel
[ you talked to ] Rachel
[ you hugged ] Rachel
[ you instant messaged ] Jamie
[ you yelled at ] Uh...
[ you kissed ] Rachel

[ food ] Anything that doesn't kill me
[ drink ] Pepsi....
[ shoes ] don't have a favorite pair...
[ candy ] Don't have a favorite
[ animal ] dogs
[ tv show ] Don't have one.
[ movie ] The Boondock Saints
[ dance ] Don't have one.
[ song ] Don't have one
[ cartoon ] Don't have one...

[ understanding ] Yes
[ open-minded ] Yes
[ arrogant ] No
[ insecure ] not really
[ interesting ] If somebody thinks I'm interesting, I'll shake their hand
[ hungry ] Not any more.
[ friendly ] Sure
[ smart ] I don't think so.
[ moody ] Not really.
[ childish ] Nope
[ independent ] Not really, unfortunately
[ hard working ] At times.
[ organized ] ha
[ emotionally stable ] yeah
[ shy ] yep...
[ difficult ] ha
[ attractive ] I don't think so.
[ obsessed ] Nope

[ kill ] Nobody that I can think of right now...
[ slap ] see above
[ get really wasted with ] Rachel
[ look like ] Me.
[ talk to online ] Anyone

[ pictured your crush naked? ] No need to picture.
[ actually seen your crush naked ] hehhehhehhehhehhehheh
[ been in love ] I am now
[ cried when someone died ] no.

[ makes u laugh the most? ] Rachel
[ makes you smile ] Rachel
[ who do you have a crush on? ] Rachel
[ has a crush on u? ] Rachel, and God only knows who else (ha ha ha)
[ is the easiest to talk to ] Rachel

[ sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. u? ] Not any more.
[ save aol/aim conversations ] No.
[ wish u were a member of the opposite sex ] not really...

-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[ fallen for ur best friend ] No....
[ been rejected ] Yep
[ rejected someone ] Not that I remember
[ used someone ] Nope
[ been cheated on ] Nope
[ done something u regret ] yeah...

[ color ur hair ] No
[ habla espanol ] No Habla
[ how many people are on ur buddy list? ] A lot
[ drink alcohol? ] Not yet...
[ like watching sunrises or sunset ] Yes.
[ what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain? ] Yes.

-N U M B E R-
of times i have had my heart broken? Didn't really keep count.
of hearts i have broken? don't know.
of girls i have kissed? Two
of boys i have kissed? None
of close friends? A few

I HAVE: No money....
I WISH: NMU would just let me go to school.
I MISS: Staying up all night.
I HEAR: "Joy Ride" playing in the background
I DANCE: With Rachel
I SING: Never
I WRITE: When I have to
I AM HAPPY: Usually
I SHOULD HAVE: MONEY, God damn it!

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