Author: CharchuseGigi87
Title: A Miracle Baby 6/6
Fandom: LotRiPS
Pairing: Dom/Lij
Rating: PG
This is the last chapter and then there's an epilogue. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to finish this, but tonight I watched the Oscars and I was inspired to finish it! Please R&R!
When Lij was finally released from the hospital, Hannah and Dom threw him a welcome home party. It had been two weeks since he gave birth to little Angel. The doctors were worried because of his miraculous pregnancy, so they kept him in the hospital longer than usual. Dom really missed having Lij at home, but he visited Lij in the hospital every day. Sometimes he even slept in the chair beside Lij's bed.
"Oh Lij," Dom said, "I'm so happy to have you home."
"I'm happy to be home, too, Dom," Lij said.
Angel had already been allowed to come home. He was a healthy baby boy. Dom had been taking care of him, and Ma Wood and Hannah had been helping out when Dom was visiting Lij in the hospital.
Angel was so beautiful. He had big blue eyes just like his dad Lij, but Dom thought he could see a resemblance to himself, too. He was a product of their pure love.
For the welcome home party there was cake. Dom had told Hannah to buy madeira cake so she had. Dom and Lij had never told anyone how special madeira cake was to them, but they could not help smiling when they ate it at the party.
All of Lij and Dom's friends came to the party, too. Orli was there with Viggo, and Sean Astin was there with his wife and kids. Of course Billy was there, too. They were all so happy to see Lij was safe and the baby was healthy.
When the party was over, everyone went home, even Hannah. She had been staying at Dom and Lij's house to help take care of Angel, but now that Lij was home, she wasn't needed anymore. Dom and Lij and Angel would be just fine on their own. She smiled when she left, knowing her brother was happy.
Once Hannah left and Dom and Lij were alone, Dom took Lij in his arms and held him close. "I love you, Lij," he said. Lij couldn't speak because he was crying. He was so happy Dom loved him and their baby.
"Will you marry me?" Dom asked.
"Oh Dom!" Lij wept. "Yes, I will marry you!"
"Let's drive to San Francisco tomorrow and get married." Dom was so excited that Lij wanted to marry him. "We can put Angel in his car seat and drive up there first thing in the morning."
"That's a great idea, Dom!" Lij was so excited, too. It would be perfect to get married to his beloved life partner. It would be even more perfect to have their precious baby son with them when they got married.
To Be Continued! Please R&R!