Author: CharchuseGigi87
Title: A Miracle Baby Epilogue
Fandom: LotRiPS
Pairing: Dom/Lij
Rating: PG
I'm so sad to be finished with this series. I hope maybe one day I'll write a sequel, but I don't know if I'll have time. Thank you all for your encouragement! :) Please R&R!
It was a beautiful sunny day when Dom and Lij got married. It took all day to drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco but they enjoyed the drive. They sang to Angel while they drove. It was like a family vacation.
Dom and Lij reached San Francisco just in time. There were many other loving couples waiting to get married.
"I'm so glad we made it in time before the court closed!" Dom said. "I don't want to wait until tomorrow to marry you."
"Me either," Lij said with a smile. "I want to be your husband tonight when you make love to me."
"I will make an honest man of you," Dom joked. Lij laughed and held his hand tightly.
Finally it was their turn to be married. Even though they had already promised to be life partners and said vows to each other before, this was still a very important event. Lij had always dreamed of marrying Dom ever since they met in New Zealand, but he never thought it would be a reality. He could not stop crying when the judge married them. Even Dom was a little teary eyed. Dom held Angel in one arm and held Lij's hand with his other arm. Angel smiled when his two daddies got married.
The End.