Okay. This entry was supposed to appear months and months ago to keep up the bargain I had with Felipe, but I'm just now getting around to it. Sorry about the wait, and FELIPE YOU BETTER RE-ADD ME RAWRGRAWR
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Oooh. That is a pretty picture. w00t for all A's on finals. I'm hoping for that as well...except in Wilkins. I KNOW I failed his. I just don't care.
And, y'know, I may have a B on the Japanese final. But in the rare event that that happens...it's totally because THAT FINAL SUCKED. I mean, the written final. WTF and all that.
Eww Chem. Everyone screws up in Chem. Nothing new. :pats back:
Psshwa. I made the bloody answersheet for the Japfinal. You probably did just fine. I made her make a few of the questions have multiple answers and whatnot. <33
(Don't worry, Daisuke's fine. She and Sadie had to end their relationship, but...it's for the better. ;D)
Comments 4
And, y'know, I may have a B on the Japanese final. But in the rare event that that happens...it's totally because THAT FINAL SUCKED. I mean, the written final. WTF and all that.
(Give my love to your gerbil.)
Psshwa. I made the bloody answersheet for the Japfinal. You probably did just fine. I made her make a few of the questions have multiple answers and whatnot. <33
(Don't worry, Daisuke's fine. She and Sadie had to end their relationship, but...it's for the better. ;D)
That picture is really nice and loud christian music makes me vomit violently. Ingenue was... I'll tell you later.
You're welcome. I'll probably have another update on X-mas to prove that this isn't only a one-time thing. <3
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