Title: White Lies
charcoaldonkey Pairing: OhnoxNino (with a little JunxAiba)
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13 (for now.. hehe)
Summary: The rain beat down harder and Ohno looked like he’d been shot. He fell to his knees and ran his hands through his hair as tears spilled down his cheeks. “Nino…” He whispered, “Please… don’t do this.”
*A/N: Sorry for the short chapter!!! >.< *dodges brick* The next one will be a REALLY long one (or.. at least Relatively long) and starts explaining what's going on, so until then again, sorry for the shortness and confusion! >.<
Four Months Before:
“Nino quick! Grab it!”
Nino turned in alarm as Ohno came bounding up to him, an ice cream in each hand. “Eh~?”
“They’re dripping!” Ohno hopped on the spot, a look of utter distress on his face as the melted vanilla dripped down his hand. “Quick!”
Nino giggled, taking one gingerly so as not to cover himself as well. “Here” He passed Ohno a napkin and quickly licked his own cone. “Sure is hot out today, ne?”
Ohno grinned, squinting around the boardwalk. “Perfect day for going out to sea!” He leaned forward and kissed Nino gently. “Thanks Nino, you’ll love it! Trust me, the boat ride isn’t even that long; it’s worth it”
Nino raised an eyebrow but otherwise didn’t comment. He had been the one to ask for this anyway. He licked thoughtfully at his ice cream and stared out across the harbor. The sun was at it’s highest, making the water’s reflection blinding, and several seagulls were flying low -no doubt terrorizing the water’s inhabitants- across it’s surface, creating an almost picture perfect moment. His gaze turned to Ohno who had made himself comfortable on the thin rail separating dock from sea. His hair was turned golden by the light, and it moved gently in the wind, his eyes were downcast but a smile played at the edge of his lip. Nino took a deep breath. How was it that Ohno Satoshi of all people could ever fall in love with him? He couldn’t help but grin at his luck.
“You know Nino, I don’t mean to be cliché here, but a picture would last longer.” Ohno laughed, peeking at him from the corner of his eye. “Want to go now?”
Nino snorted and cuffed him lightly on the arm. He gave the water another glance, dreading the inevitable. “Yeah… yeah lets do it.”
Ohno laughed softly and put his arm around Nino’s shoulders, leading him down the boardwalk. “It’ll be fine, trust me. I won’t leave you stranded in the middle of the ocean!” He shook the younger man’s shoulders teasingly and they stopped in front of a small fishing boat.
Nino bit his lip and squinted out at the horizon, his eyes darting back to Ohno’s with a look that almost resembled stage fright. “How long is it again?”
He smiled and pressed his lips to Nino’s forehead, one hand tangled in his hair. “It’s only little over an hour, and we’re never more than seeing distance from land.” He spoke softly against Nino’s skin and it seemed to do the trick as Nino visibly relaxed.
“Okay. Lets do it… Our own deserted island, ne…” He said in wonder as Ohno pulled away, and he smiled. “That sounds nice.”
‘The dream I reached out to grasp crumbled silently like a sandcastle
I just stood there at the crossroads, leaving behind a smile.
I head for the paradise you created before you disappeared…’
Present Day:
Nino hissed through his teeth, his eyes closed as he brushed his thumb slowly across his phone’s keypad. He repeated the six numbers over in his head, his thumb lightly finding the buttons but not daring to press. This was his routine, and he followed it without exception every break he was given.
Hollywood is not nearly as glam as people make it out to be. Five hours of rolling around in mud, corn syrup and five pounds of makeup later he was stumbling into his hotel room, in desperate need of a hot shower and about twenty-four hours of missed sleep.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath and falling back into the feathery heaven of his hotel bed.
Nino groaned, his thumb tracing the buttons on his phone almost absentmindedly. Ohno hadn’t called. Not that he should have, in fact when Nino thought about it, it made perfect sense for him not to call. All the same, the growing tension left him in a state of constant stress. He swallowed hard, his hand tightening on the cell phone and before he could order his brain to stop he was dialing those six sacred digits and holding the phone a little shakily to his ear.
Nino’s heart skipped. “Riida?”
Silence. “…Riida?” Nino checked his phone, making sure the battery hadn’t died. “Aish… Did he hang up?” He mumbled, peering at the screen. He was about to hang up himself, when Ohno’s voice crackled electrically into his ear.
“Nino.” He stated simply.
“Uh… Yeah, yeah it’s me…” Nino laughed nervously. “How are you?”
“Nino why are you calling?” His voice sounded strange.
“I-well… no reason really I just… I was bored and thought I’d call and… see how things were going.”
There was silence again and Nino heard a muffled voice in the background; Ohno was holding his hand over the phone.
“Nino…” He sounded distracted and he heard the faint clink of glasses. “If you’re… lonely, call Aiba… I have to go. I’m at Jun’s place right now.”
“Oh. Yeah, okay, sorry.” Nino mumbled, feeling like an idiot. “Well if you ever have free time then… uh, give me a call, ne-” He broke off as the dial tone beeped in his ear.
His knuckles turned white and his lip shook from under his teeth as he lowered the phone into his lap. “Oh-chan…” His voice cracked and he closed his eyes, burying his face into the soft pillows until his sobs were nothing more than a faint whisper.
‘And I say I love you alone to the phone…
I really love you,
Baby I couldn’t love you more than this…’