Title: White Lies
charcoaldonkey Pairing: OhnoxNino (with a little JunxAiba)
Genre: Angst
Rating: R
Summary: "The rain beat down harder and Ohno looked like he’d been shot. He fell to his knees and ran his hands through his hair as tears spilled down his cheeks. “Nino…” He whispered, “Please… don’t do this.”
White Lies - Chapter 6 )
Comments 23
I can't decide whether to be thinking "Poor Nino!" or "Poor Ohno!" >.<
I feel so bad for both of them T.T
Thanks for the comment~~
Next update will be soon (it's another short chap) >.<
Thanks for commenting~
poor little Nino...
They want each other so much!
How can Kitagawa-san be such a mean person?
I bet he couldn't recognize love even if it slapped his face, that blind fool man!
Waiting for next chap!
Stupid Johnny. >.>
By the way i absolutely ADORE your picture. Muhahaha lots of dirty thoughts there ^.^
Thanks for commenting~~
It must be hard for people who's love isn't accepted by society, at least it isn't as bad for Homosexual people now-a-days but it still isn't perfect, Or anywhere's near where it should be...
It makes me so angry to think about >.<
Anyway next update should be in a day or two, because the chap is very short ^.^
Thanks for commenting~~
And I really didn't expect Aiba to be with Matsujun... @@
Hahahaha Well, I'll let you in on a little secret, ne?
I've started writing another Ohmiya fic, in which Nino is a Total bitch for different reasons, and Ohno is... well, Ohno, Muhaha and you inspired me to write Ohno!seme >.<
And really? I thought i'd been hinting at Junba for awhile now ^.^
I think they'd be sooo kawaii!
Thanks for commenting~~
Are you planning on blowing my mind AWAY?!!! Are you serious?!!! xD xD
I wanna read that one!!!! *excited!!!*
Well, I'm also a Sakuraiba fan so to me it's always...Aiba + Sho!
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