Title: History Repeating
charcoaldonkey Pairing: A little JunxAiba
Genre: Angst
Rating: R for Mature Themes
Warnings: Contains implied nonconsensual sexual acts with minors. :S Not fun stuff, so don't read if it bothers you too much.
Summary: “If it wasn’t for me you’d be a nobody right now! I put you on the right track, I made you famous!”
“Yeah well it wasn
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Comments 6
It just makes me shiver to even Imagine things like that happening to baby Mastujun *sobs*
I'm hoping all the rumours are simply JUST rumours! >.<
Thanks for the comment~! ^_^
kind of shows the back part of Johnnys Entertaiment
btw, did something really happen to chinen? or was that just part of the story?
Yes I sort of based this on all the rumours of Johnny being a possible Pedophile, and seeing as Jun was his favourite I thought it suited him more so than the other Arashi members.. T_T
But no nothing happened to Chinen, I just chose him in the story because he's one of the more well-known young JE boys, and another possible target for ickyness O.O
Thanks for the comment! ^_^
I realise that I'm about half a year late with this comment, but here I am anyway. :)
This is a kind of fic I've thought of writing. Because it's just close enough to what is rumoured to be the truth to be scary. I often think that fandom should talk more about this stuff, and consider what kind of business we're actually supporting. Although I can see why we don't - idols are our oasis and it feels contra-productive to spoil it.
So basically, good job on this! This is hard to comment on fic-wise considering the very distracting topic, but I liked the story and the development. The Johnny-Jun dialogue is good, with both sides getting worked up and clearly stating their points. Although Jun obviously wins, which is great. :)
Props to you for bringing this up, and thanks for a good albeit scary story. :)
Its rare to get such a long and awesome comment xD
I was actually terrified to post this, I had the slightly insane notion that somehow Johnny would find it and come after me. Lol!
I'm glad you liked it though (:
I seriously hope that all the rumours of possible abuse are only Just rumours, if it was true i couldn't even imagine the uproar it would cause, not to mention the effects it would have had on all the JE boys >.<
Poor chibi Jun ;/
......and on that cheery note,
Thanks for commenting~ XD
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