Pictures first, I know that's what you all came here to see.
So we got there, the show went on, blah blah. Oh, Claire got to do a back and forth with Seth Meyers, which was totally awesome.
And so after the show, we tried a security guard but of course he said 'no, they probably already left.' Then some nice usher was like 'Go around here, it's the backstage door' so we waited. IN THE RAIN. And this lady came out and was like 'oh wait a minute' so then she comes back out and she waves us in. And we go backstage and THERE'S JOHN.
So I'm babbling like an idiot. "Thank you for mentioning us on The Bugle!" And he says "Oh right, your shirts! I remember you!" I also reminded him about the Arizona show last year and he remembered the girls with the shirts, one of which said 'John Oliver is a child molester'. And then we took the pictures and Claire was just grinning like an idiot. Well, we both were, but I just couldn't shut up. I said, "I listen to The Department even though I'm not British" and he grinned and said, "Oh wow, thanks!" And I was :D
So we left and squeed out in the rain some more.
Oh and Seth Meyers said when Sarah Palin was on Saturday Night Live, she was walking down a hall and the guy in the big moose suit was walking the other way. When they met up, without a beat, she goes 'What up, moose?' and mimes a shotgun. hahaha oh my god. I liked her a bit after that.
SO YEAH. It was fucking awesome.
Later: Pictures of us with an Anderson Cooper cardboard cut-out at the CNN center in downtown Atlanta. :D