Who: Miss Mallow and Dynamo [and open to anyone on Ship Man]
What: Dynamo decides to make a cake and it needs a feminine touch
Where: Ship Man's kitchen
When: The afternoon
Warnings: Dynamo in an apron, language
Had he taken the joke too far?
It had been awhile ago, but it still made him feel hollow inside, and not just because he was a robot. He was a joker, someone who played with emotions just to have fun. Then why did it bother him when Flash Man's brothers came to his defense?
Was he jealous that Flash Man didn't take his advances? Nah, even if Flash Man was a blonde Dynamo preferred girls. Plus, there was still Alia back home... if he ever got back home.
Maybe it was the fact that people came to his defense so quickly. He had told Flash Man that Reploids didn't have families.
But that also made him think: Dynamo didn't really have any... friends either.
So there he was, in the kitchen. He stared at the recipe book in front of him and narrowed his eyes. Why was he doing this again? Did he really want friends that badly? How lame!