A little more detail on the cat personalities...
Kali is a lapcat. She was always snuggly, and still is. Windowsills are her heaven. She's little, so she can fit anywhere.
Leif, I didn't know him well, but here's what the ex says: "Leif will let me pet him without any incidents, little love bites if you hit his stomach. With strangers he likes to be petted but if you hit the wrong spot, he'll hiss and bite. They are still playful, with Leif chasing Kali around."
"Leif is about 16 lbs and Kali gained a little and is now 7-8 lbs."
Regarding other pets, I'm slowly remembering the past. For a year before the ex and I got married, Kali and I rented a room from a coworker of mine. She had two cats, and two cat-chasing cocker spaniels. Kali was skittish of all at first, but grew to the point of mutual grooming and friendship with the younger of the two cats. The other one was 19 and cranky, and wouldn't let anybody near her. The dogs always chased her, but I think she liked the attention. Eventually, she warmed up a bit. If they weren't chasing her, she'd creep out of her hiding spaces, sneak up behind one of them, and whack him on the butt with her paw, goading him to chase her. Yes, really.
Kali was the cat who found me, in '98. I'd just graduated from college, had a job, and was going to be doing the single career woman thing. I decided that I needed a cat for that to happen properly. One day, I met a friend for a picnic lunch, and shared this thought with her. Upon returning home, there was a kitty sitting on my front stoop. She was friendly, let me pet her, and was like velcro on my ankles. I picked her up, and checked with all of the neighbors, who had never seen her. I opened the door to my apartment, and she moved in.
The vet said that she was about 6 months to a year. I suspected that some college student had gotten a kitty, and wasn't able to take it home for the summer.
I suspect that Kali would be great with kids and other pets. Leif, maybe a little less so, but he would probably be fine with other cats. Dogs, well, no idea.