The big one. The final battle in a four way war. Team Apocalypse Now vs. Team 'Ends Justify Means' vs. King of Hell vs. the couple of poor bastards in the sweet, sweet ride. Heaven, Hell, Purgatory and Earth all fighting it out for the big win.
Should be exciting. Should blow the entire special effects budget.
What do we get?
Sam chasing Sam through the woods.
Okay, I'm thrilled that there is a resolution to the Sam/Hell memories/wall in the brain storyline but this is absolutely not the episode to waste time doing it. It could have happened any time in the last episodes before this and it would have been great but doing it here just feels like filler so they don't have to use the entire special effects budget to show the awesomeness of the main event.
But what is done is done and we'll all just have to live with it.
But now I'd like to bitch about other people's reactions. Everyone seems to be blaming Dean for the whole Cas thing and it's kinda pissing me off.
Popular opinion seems to be that it's all Dean's fault that Cas went darkside. And yes, while Sam was all soulless, Dean was pretty much a dick to Cas and Bobby and pretty much everyone else; after Sam got resouled and the wall seemed to be holding, Dean offered to help several different times and ways and got blown off by Cas.
The whole thing reeks of a season 4 replay. Recast Cas as Sam and Crowley as Ruby and it's the same damn plotline. Sam goes darkside. Dean tries to stop it. Dean fails to stop it. Dean conspires with Bobby and Sam ends up in lockdown in the panic room for some involuntary demon blood detox. Cas starts making stupid decisions. Dean tries to stop it. Dean fails to stop it. Dean conspires with Bobby to stop Cas.
The way I see it, Sam sucking down demon blood and Cas sucking up monster souls is pretty much parallel. Cas might get a little leeway because free will is still a pretty new idea to him but he still made all of his own decisions AND he started killing off his own people when they questioned his decisions.
The fact that Dean didn't agree with his plans is really not the same thing as pushing him into making deals with demons (which he did apparently before even contacting Dean) or opening Purgatory (which he was apparently planning even before contacting Dean). Therefore Dean's actions may have been a factor but since Cas had these plans in place while Dean was still playing house with Lisa and Ben, he's really not to blame for them.