[[OOC: There is an email log coming (hopefully soon) that will explain some of this.]]
I am not acting oddly. Just for the record.
I want to curl up and die.
I've taken to hiding out in odd places. The Owlry is nice and quiet sometimes...but then other times it isn't so much. I think half the students who have sent owls in the past few days think I'm daft. Deserted classrooms are all right...but they aren't the most comfortable places. The Astronomy tower is a good place during the day, but I ran into a snogging couple one evening, so no more of that. Plus there are classes there at night. I suppose I could go to that room that I practiced dancing in...but I would rather not.
I guess you could say I have been avoiding the avoidance of certain people and the well-meaning questions of the housemates that have managed to figure out something is wrong inspite of my best attempts to act like everything is fine. Guess I'm not cut out to be a stoic.
I could really use my best friend right now. Only he is still not talking to me and is probably still insisting that I am his ex-best friend. Ben's not talking to me...Severus isn't talking to me...so I am left to wallow in my confusion while they all avoid me. And avoiding their avoidance isn't helping.
I should probably talk to someone before I go crazy, but...well...does anyone really need to deal with me while we are all studying for the N.E.W.T.s? Besides, the logical person to talk to is all happy with Remus, and I don't want to bother her. Plus, she'll probably make all three of them talk to me. I know that she's been trying to get Alex to talk to me. Maybe I will talk to Selina. She probably won't even notice that I am talking to her, since she is living behind a pile of books these days, so I won't be bothering her. I know she won't tell anyone even if she does pay attention. I don't think she has uttered any words other than questions for the professors in the last few months.
Merlin, my birthday's in five days. It will be really special this year, won't it? My best friend isn't talking to me. My boyfriend isn't talking to me...though I suppose I should really say ex-boyfriend, huh? Ben isn't talking to me...and I don't even know how to classify him anymore. Maybe Dorcas will forget that my birthday is coming up. I think I'd rather pretend that I just don't have a birthday.[/Private]