Title: Meet The Kim
Pairing: KyuSung, YeWon, YeTeuk, YeMin
Rating: G
Notes: FINALLY!! The next chapter is FINALLY here...I hope U guys can enjoy it. As usual, English isn't my first language, so if you fins any mistakes, I'm terribly sorry. Enjoy, I guess :D
16th Ch: Looking For The Missing Jewel (Part 1) )
Comments 2
But i like to way Kangin keep an eye on Teukie ^___^
I'm missing our yesungie already. Even it's just yesterday that he enlist to the army
I'm not try to drama here TT_TT
woah.. who is calling our Jongwoonie? who was the stranger? Is he that horse? or bunny minnie? ooor.... it's me??? :p
Aiih, awas deh ya si bang kangbear, awal niatnya apa nyaariin leeteuk eeh ntr malah jd jatuh cintrong lg tuh..hihihi....XD
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