Title: Meet The Kim
Pairing: KyuSung, YeWon, YeTeuk, YeMin
Rating: G
Notes: It's the next chap. I don't know if it's to your expectation or not. If it's not then I'm really sorry. Still, English isn't my first language, so if you find any mistakes, I'm terribly sorry. enjoy, I guess :D
8th Ch: Meet The Boy in Pink )
Comments 4
gonna take reading marathon for your fics! x)
But I'm sorry if my chap story is badly written T_T
Haha..adorable Jongwoon..polos amat sih ni org, keterlaluan...ckckck.. lg dirampok pun dy tetep ngegemesin gt...ya ampuuuun...*cubitcubitcium*
and yeeeay finally......after waiting for a year abg Bunny muncul jg dr kandangnya..... hihihi...
ahem.. busy Jongwoon then..he has many 'dating' after this with angel teuk, won horse, kyupil, bunny min and with me too... hmmm... sibuk sibuk sibuk... haha..aww..XD
He is right??!!!?? He's just toooo adorable..well, the bad boys ask him for some money, so he gives them money, well, what's left of them anyway hihihi...Terlalu jujur nmpknya itu bocah :D *buru2gotongencung*
weks..is it a year already? well, they all finally got to meet with our adorable Jongwoon :D
Yes, in the next chap, Jongwoon will be busy, but so do the Kim hehehe..and So do I..
Lah, napa ada dirimu nyelip dsitu dah..perasaan td diintip2 gak ada.. :DD
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