Title: Meet The Kim
Pairing: KyuSung, YeWon, YeTeuk, YeMin
Rating: G
Notes: It's finally here. The next chapter of this weird fic *happy dance* I'm still struggling with the thesis, so expect the unexpected. Anyway, since you know English isn't my first language, if you find any mistakes, I'm terribly sorry. Enjoy, I guess :D
13th Ch: The Diva's Evil Plan (Part 2 End)> )
Comments 2
Huahahahahahahahaha...ROFL Poor Siwonnie XDD OMG Heenim..... he's really evil....hahahaha...
jd kangen heenim :3
But, Poor abg nasgor jg.. slalu jd sasaran si heenim mulu nih..hihihi..
i like their call yeye with "bubbly baby hyung" aww just too cute.... si sweetly lucu amat ya XD *ciumciumcium* XD
Nah itu endingnya apa2an tuh, sapa yg sms Jongwoon? Kyu? Leeteuk? or Sungmin??????? knp ky yg kaget gtuuu????
apdet sooooooon eoooon.....muah..XD
At least Siwon is safe :D it's really a miracle don't you think saengie? With those bunch of evil possessive and over protective Brothers, anything can happen :D
Abg nasgor ya apa blh buat deh, udh nasibnya kena bully si heenim hehehe...
SWEETLY!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! INDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!! *siapin karung buat gondol Encung*
Endingnya ya bgtu, TBC alias Bersambung hihihi...hmm, who's sending the message? Tunggu tanggal mainnya huahahahahahaha...*ketawa evil ala Heenim*
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